Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Life continues on!!!! =)

Sorry, I haven't been blogging much these past few weeks, its just been a crazy time in our life and honestly, I just haven't felt like doing it.....There's really not too much to report these days, but that I finally got the ADOS testing questionnaire in the mail and sent back to Akron Children's for Colin! I'm so ready to get moving with this stuff, just to get some concrete 'Yes' or 'No' answers will be tremendous.  Regardless, of the outcome, our love for our little man will never, ever change, but the results will only help us, help him and for that I'm ready for.  He is such a cute little booger and he makes us smile everyday!!!!  The boys are doing well though and enjoying this weather, being able to be outside is awesome and so rewarding at night for Brenton and I, too.....they are exhausted and ready for bed, which gives us some adult time in the evenings.  Ethan, is continuing to grow like a weed and is stubborn as an ox (he gets that honest)!!!  That boy, is something else, but he in the same sense is an awesome little guy....such a helper, he helped Daddy last night get the outside fixed up and then came inside to help me set the table for dinner.  At the dinner table, he loves to pray and talks our ears off.....What a blessing he is and makes me smile every day.....Colin is growing too and a spit fire..... Speaking of, we had a photo session scheduled over the weekend for their 5 and 3 photo's and I was hoping for a few family ones too, just to get more bang for our buck, but let me just say "Colin" was not having it.....Not a bit, at first anyway.....We had some cute ideas for him, but he was crying, screaming, and just plain mad that we kept trying to "pose" him....Thank goodness for Brenton and the photographer, b/c I stepped outside w/ Ethan to keep him occupied and then here comes the 3 of them.....They had the bright idea to let Colin just run outside and how perfect, b/c we got to catch him in his element.....For me, as a scrapbooker, the pictures meant the world to me and more meaningful than a "posed" one (for him anyway).  I like to be able to look back on the moments in life, as they were, and forever now we'll have this moment etched in his scrapbook to look back on one day =)  We are really learning that improvising is a must and we catch ourselves, after the fact and a few deep breaths during the moment, that it actually turns out better than what we thought it would be.  Life is forever changing and for us, we are just moving/adapting right along with it.  God doesn't make mistakes and we are exactly where we are supposed to be....I pray a lot and know that things will work out, so I have to stop overwhelming myself w/ things that truly, in the end, don't matter!!!  I'm slowing doing that and wow, what a humbling part of life I am in right now and honestly folks, I'm enjoying every part of it and I have Colin to thank for that.  He's showing us so much and that little guy will forever have a special place in Mommy's heart =)

here's a few shots of our photo shoot!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bring on Summer!!!!

Well, I finally did it....I got the paperwork dropped off for Ethan!  Yes, I sat on it for a little over a week, b/c I truly couldn't get myself to drop it off.  I know this all sounds crazy, but I truly am having a hard time with it.  The fact that life is going when all I want it to do is stop spinning, so we can enjoy these moments just a tad bit longer....LOL  We have truly enjoyed every bit of being parents, we love our boys, and we really do look forward to the next chapters in life; however, when those next chapters are here it's like we forget that we know they were coming or something, hahaha!!!  Anyway, back to the paperwork.....On Friday, I knew what I had to do, so I found my way back to the school once I dropped the boys off at the sitter.  I started crying as I pulled in and as I was sitting in my car, looking out at the playground, I envisioned Ethan being out there for recess and realizing my little guy is ready for the next chapter of his life to begin, so I need to be happy for him and pull myself together.....LOL!!!  As much as I am not, he is and so I grabbed the paperwork and headed in the school.  I walked in and found my way to the office, while I was walking down the hall, I couldn't help but look at how neat the school was and when I got to the office, I saw Mrs. Rippeth (the school secretary) and she greeted me with her big smile and instantly I felt an ease come over me.  So, we started going through the paperwork, chit-chatting about Ethan (b/c she actually lives 3 doors down from us), and while we were talking in walked a kindergarten teacher.  Mrs. Rippeth introduced me, and once I said my last name, Miss Bowden said, "you must be Ethan's mom"....How did she know his name, I didn't tell her, Mrs. Rippeth didn't tell her??  Well, that very morning, they finalized the roster for the kindergarten classes and out of the 3 kindergarten teachers in the building, Miss Bowden, came in that office that very moment.  She said, we just finalized the classes this morning and Ethan is in my class.  She showed me the sheet, pointed out Ethan, and shook my hand.  What a great lady and as I was talking with her, I knew we made the right decision for him.  I'm still amazed how all of this is happening and how God is watching out for us, b/c he is sure giving us the reassurance we need with both our boys, so that we know we are doing the right thing.  I'm amazed how he puts people in your life, at the very moments you need them, to help us get through situations.  I was so overwhelmed with this the week prior, but last Friday, changed my outlook and gave me a new frame of mind.  Ethan is sooooo excited to go to his "big" school and ready to meet Miss Bowden......All of this makes me happy and now, I'm so ready to enjoy the summer with the, no more fretting about the inevitable.....bring on Summer!!!!  =)