Thursday, September 27, 2012

Back to Basics!!!

Its been quite a long time that I've posted, seems like anyway since the last post, but life was just plain WEIRD!  Not sure what it was, but I wasn't myself, my family was out of whack, and the hot summer days took a toll on us!  I have to admit, I'm glad summer is done and fall is here, this is our time of year....time to regroup and man have we done feels great!!!

Since my last post, we have started Colin on his Brain Balance program and got him off dairy, it's been a little over a month now, and WOW is all I can say!  I will admit, I've struggled with this whole thing, not sure what God was/is trying to show me/us, but I think we are getting it....PATIENCE! Not just for Colin, but life in general....through Colin, we are truly understanding the 'real' meaning of life!  This kid is amazing and is changing every single day.....Dairy was/is a HUGE issue for him and removing that alone, has lifted the fog, so to speak.  He is talking more, listening, doing simple tasks, playing ball, getting his haircut like a big boy, sitting, and even going to the bathroom to do his business.  However, that is not accomplished, yet...but, he's understanding the concept and that is big! The biggest issue we had to face was changing a routine with the sitter, but that has actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise, b/c he gets 2 days w/ Papaw and 1 day w/ my sister Amanda who graduated w/ her Early Childhood Education degree, so she works w/ him on PreK stuff on Fridays!  I mean really, I was worried about this??  God is good and has truly blessed me w/ amazing things.  Things have worked out for Colin and I'm so thankful, b/c he is moving mountains these days.
sitting like a big boy for Nana
we love our mornings at the park, after dropping Ethan off
Ethan has started school and doing wonderful!  He goes all week, full days and truly enjoying it.   We haven't had any meltdowns, he does his homework, and even plays school when he gets home.  I just smile at this kid, b/c what a blessing he is, too!  As much as I hesitated about sending him this year, I now see, he needed to go and I'm so glad I put my selfish thinking aside and got him enrolled!  He was ready and now reading sentences....Really???  This is a kid that as of the end of summer was struggling to write his name, he had that down the first day of school.....Not sure what it is about parents vs. other adults that come into play for my boys.....Regardless, Ms. Bowden, has a special place in Ethan's heart now and he absolutely adores her, as a matter of fact, when he plays school "he is the boy version of Ms. Bowden, Mr. Bowden" =)  On another note, I can even begin to say how much of an awesome big brother Ethan is, too!  He is so helpful, caring, and absolutely loves Colin.....I'm so glad they will have each other through life!
Ethan at his first school "fun day" watching "The Puppet Man"
Daddy and Ethan working on homework
Overall, I have to admit that it feels great to get "back to basics" if you will!  This is our time of year and we love fall.  Ethan has started football for the first time and Daddy is his coach, they are having so much fun together!
Our football star
Akron Zips

Anyway, I am going to try to keep up on posting and sharing our life here in this blog, so check back.....I will update pictures, too I promise =)