Friday, August 22, 2014

School, again!!!

What a busy week its been!  With the start of school, life always gets a little hectic I guess, but each year I find myself not really looking forward to it.  We prepared over the weekend and I got Ethan's "back-2-school" box all ready for a little celebration on Tuesday evening, but still that pit in my stomach was not budging.  I'm the type of person that tries really hard to stay positive and look for the bright side of things, so I knew I had to find something to keep my mind occupied and all I know to do is "celebrate" these times in our life that are happening way too quickly....

When Brenton got home on Tuesday, I showed him a letter that I wrote to Ethan and after he was done, I put the note in the box and then we decided to give Ethan his goodies before the Open House that night.  He was so cute and reading the note made me cry!  Anyway, I make the box sound like it's this big thing, but truly, it's not.  With these types of events, I choose to "kill 2 birds with 1 stone" and the presentation is what gets it.  I chose to fill the box with items for his lunch box, pencils, a new umbrella (for rainy days), and other miscellaneous items.  He loved it!  I find, by having a celebration for these moments, the mood changes and the transition isn't so scary any longer.  The fun is what makes it and why not make things fun, I mean before too long he'll be heading off to college.

Anyway, the Open House went well and meeting his teacher was exciting, so his 1st day was a breeze for him.  He had a great day and I got to hear all about it over dinner!  Brenton took Colin to his 5 year well visit, so I took Ethan on a "date" to the Texas Roadhouse (Ethan's choice)!  He was so darn cute telling me all about his day (thanks to his teacher for giving us parents some ice breaker questions to ask) and then his face changed, so I knew something happened!  Well, that something included a little girl finding him on the playground and telling him how much she missed him....which was "really annoying" LOL!!
Open House...all ready to start
1st day of 2nd Grade (8-20-14)
Breakfast of Champions = Cinnamon Rolls
off he goes, so excited
waiting on their bus
Dinner Date
telling me all about his day = PRICELESS
Another thing that had to happen on Wednesday, was Colin's well visit!  I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he is 5 years old, but he is, and that meant he had to have his shots!  Poor little guy finalized the immunizations for school, so he's ready to go, but boy did they hurt!  He kept saying "oush" and grabbing his legs, so I knew they hurt.  Overall, Dr. Gigax was really proud of him and happy for all his growth within the past year.  He said his ABC's, gave her high five, loved on her, and she was really impressed with him after she finished the visit.  We've come a long way, so to hear her say she was happy with him, was music to this mama's ears!  When he got home, he was done, so he relaxed and went to bed pretty early with daddy!  LOL!!!  I'm so looking forward to "celebrating" with him in a couple of weeks for his back-2-school.  So, until I get both boys back in fully, the feeling in my stomach will remain, but again...celebrating helps me during these types of transitions in life & I pray that Colin's goes just as well as Ethan's did!

Leave me alone, Mom...I'm in no mood for pictures

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wipe Out #1

Well, Ethan had his first big wipe out on his new bike last week....I get a call at work letting me know that it happened and to "not make a fuss" when I see him, because he is really upset.  I'm thinking, ok no big deal a few scratches...oh boy, I was wrong!  That poor boy, went down & he went down hard.  When I got home from work, he was waiting for me on the back porch in tears.  I knew right then why I was told to "not make a fuss" b/c he was nicked up pretty good.  From his forehead, down to his knees he was battered & bruised, with his chin taking the blunt.  I felt so bad for him and I loved on him, but I didn't want him to know that I was actually really concerned, especially when he came inside holding a chunk of his tooth.  Anyway, long story short, we had to make a trip to the dentist and make sure everything was ok.  Turns out, it was and there is no "major concern" from the dentist, so we'll just watch it and see if we need to make any adjustments come his 6 month checkup.  Ethan HATES the dentist, so it was a real treat, but it had to be done.  Needless to say, his Transformer collection got a little big bigger, since he was brave....we're suckers!!! LOL!!!

still smiling though
trying to be brave

Monday, August 11, 2014

Suck It Up Buttercup!!

As I was driving home from dropping Ethan off at 'Jump Start' this morning it hit me....summer break is over!  The feel of a new school year is in the air and as I looked around to see some leaves changing, my heart kind of sunk realizing that another year is just about to begin!  I'm not that mother that enjoys sending my kids off to school and this year w/ both boys gone all day, it's really hitting me even harder as we prepare for the upcoming event! We spent the weekend getting all the supplies, the backpacks, the clothes, and the lunch boxes bought with the reality that the comfort zone I'm in, is about to get jumbled again!  It takes me a few weeks to get into the groove, but I'll be the first to admit I am looking forward to the routine that school brings to our life. Summer, for us, was all about the traditional things that didn't include a clock!  However, that routine thing that I talk about, is what helps me with this transition and that includes time!  So, as I prepare my boys and myself for the new year, I realize full well that time will now have to be managed, again!  I'm not sure why, but it is really hard for me to believe that 2 months ago we were on our way to Florida with summer just beginning....where in the world did the time go?  This summer was fun and we enjoyed it, but it truly went by really, really fast!!  I was reminiscing and looking at pictures from this summer and tears filled my eyes!  I'm not sure why I'm so sappy these days, but I tell ya life can slow down anytime! LOL!!   This past Spring, I remember sitting with Ethan in the movie theater watching Caption America and thinking that seeing the Ninja Turtles on the big screen would mean that summer break was done and guess what....Ethan and his Daddy saw the TMNTs this past weekend! Man, time just went by so quickly!!  I keep telling myself to "Suck It Up Buttercup" b/c it's out of your control, but what is helping me most is knowing that the routine that I so desperately need, at this moment in our life, will be here shortly!!!

lazy mornings w/ my boys
our very own TMNTs off to the movies
naps on the porch in the summer are the best
making his very own movies
waiting on "E-thun" from Jump Start
ready to go

Monday, August 4, 2014

God is Good

Well, it's Monday again and I'm sitting here reminiscing on our week that we had was a fun week, but exhausting all at the same time.  The boys had VBS at our church and that turned out to be a great experience for both of them.  I was hesitant to send Colin, but I'm so glad that he went.  He did great and only had a little issue on Tuesday, but after he calmed down, Brenton took him back down to finish the evening.  Ethan, he was in his glory!  That boy loves to learn about God, sing songs, and last week was perfect for him.  He came home every night w/ a ton of questions and would give me the low down of the night.  I chose to stay back home and let Brenton take the reigns for the week, because Colin has a tendency to not want to participate when I'm around, but Daddy pushes him enough that he gets right in there and finds his comfort zone.  Turns out our plan worked, because honestly Colin had a great week.  He found comfort in his teacher, Miss Rachel, and with her help he tackled each evening head on.  Aunt Amanda and his cousins, Lynnsey & Logan, helped him throughout the week, as well.  I'm so thankful for all these folks, because I'm learning with Colin it's not just Brenton and I that are needed to teach him and having family, friends, and a community understand truly is a blessing! 

On Friday evening, I wanted to see how the week went, so I ended up staying to listen to the kids sing and watch them at the opening, what a treat!  Ethan, was so funny, he was all about the songs and really sang his heart out.  Colin, he did good too, but saw me and came running across the sanctuary to get to me, so I left shortly after.  I don't know, there is just something about seeing my boys at church that does my heart good!  I've been so anxious to get our "entire" family back at church all at once, so our goal was to get Colin comfortable with the church building last week and I'm happy to report, that it worked....we attended church for the 1st time, since moving here, as a family and boy did that feel great.  I can't say enough about this community and how welcome they make us feel!  I know this was a "God" thing moving here to Gnaden, because this community is fantastic and I know nothing is perfect and we'll have our issues, but overall I know raising my boys here, especially Colin, will be great!  I don't have to hide anything and having people interested in knowing about my little guy, sure makes things like VBS or attending church a great experience!  I just love it here...God is Good!

My guys heading to VBS
Lynn-E & Colin
his face the entire time he was telling me about his night
Uncle Joe to the rescue
Miss Rachel has the touch
praising Jesus kid style
having fun
bye Mama, see you soon
having fun w/ Logan

Colin and Miss Rachel
singing their hearts out
Everybody Rise and Sing
so much fun
Weird Animals
had the best week
"Fun"day Sunday at Church