Summer is in full swing at the Shroyer house and now that July 4th is behind us, it's only going to go by that much faster! I always say that July 4th is like the Wednesday of vacation, because after that, it's in no time the boys are back in school. It just seems to fly by! I'm trying to embrace each day and not worry about things, but I have to admit that thoughts of this upcoming school year are lingering!
It's been nice to have the summer at home and I hope to continue that for years to come. We've always taken a trip it seems in the middle of summer break, but this year we vacationed early and it's been really nice to just be home and enjoy the Ohio summer. We've been homebodies, but I guess when I sit back and think about it that was the plan. LOL! I've been beating myself up about not doing anything and should plan a ton of different things, but then I have to tell myself to stop and just enjoy being home. I mean that is the whole reason we put the pool in, so just embrace it and take it for what it is. Life is definitely moving right along though and I see it everyday. I'm reminded that family truly needs to be my focus and the life that I've worked hard to create needs to be front & center. Not in a stingy, cocky way, NO! Just a way to protect myself and my guys from the drama that seems to always find its way when life seems to be going good! It's taken me a bit, but I've come to realize that it's not my fault if others can't seem to find the joy in life! It's not my place to fix the people that don't want to change and it's not my responsibility to make sure happiness is sought, when some just want to live in a critical, negative world! Now, it's not that I don't care, I certainly pray for things to be better for folks, but I no longer allow it to steal anything from me anymore. I choose joy and happiness! I choose my little family and our happiness overall! So, that does mean we spend quite a bit of time together, just us and choose wisely what we do outside of that; however, let me say, it's done on purpose! We are choosing to live a peaceful life on purpose and man, has that made a world of difference in my spirit! This summer has been reminding me of this over and over again and I realize God is protecting me and my little family! Our summer has been quiet, fun, a little boring at times, yet filled with joy everywhere I turn. Before I know it, these summer days will be overtaken by the crisp fall air. So, for now, I will take every moment I can with my guys and enjoy the heat of these days! ❤