Thursday, August 18, 2022

This Growing Up Thing

And, so it is...another summer in the memory books! Wow, 3 months sure did go fast! It's funny, because we thought we had so much time this summer, with 3 full months off, but here we are school is back in session! UGH! I'm never ready, but to be completely honest, I do enjoy the routine that school brings our house. So, I am looking forward to having that back, but it's still the thought that more time has passed, I guess. I don't know, it's just going really, really fast!  

This year, we had a very successful 1st day with both. Probably the best, yet, especially for Colin! He was nervous, but man he rocked it! It's definitely showing that he's growing and adapting, which makes life easier! I'm trying my hardest to hold on for dear life to these boys, but man this growing up thing! LOL!

Sophomore Year

Ready to go

7th Grade

Off he goes