Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It only takes "scrubs"

So, today was hearing test day for Colin and wow, was that terrible!!!!  Dr. Hartman and his staff were wonderful and tried so hard to get everything they needed, but didn't push the issue, b/c Colin was just beside himself and didn't want anything to do with the full procedure.  He was pushing, screaming, and pulling so much that honestly, I felt like a sweaty mess trying to keep him still enough for them by the time we left.  What a poor little guy, he knows anyone in scrubs means business and he knew just seeing the nurse, that he didn't want to be in that building. LOL  Needless to say, they were pleased with what they saw and don't "think" anything is wrong, especially since he passed his newborn testing, but obviously this test will prove 100% that he's hearing just fine.  I'm hoping he'll cooperate during nap time sometime, so we can get the results and then once we have those, we can then check out speech classes.....Having children, has to be the best test for patience and understanding  :) hahaha  Anyway, we'll try again soon!!!
On another note, I found a way to have this blog printed in a hardcover book and I'm really excited about that.  So, not only will the boys have their scrapbooks, but they'll have this blog and our thoughts at different moments in our lives and for a scrapbooker like me, I'm loving the idea of that :)  Anyway, so I might be posting more along the way :)

one upset little boy after his hearing test  ;)


  1. It gives new meaning to the phrase "I don't want no scrubs" doesn't it? We've been down that road too Melinda. Keep your chin up and if you need anything you know how to find me.

  2. Poor little guy! I don't like anyone in scrubs either! I have to go see Dr Hartman next week - What did you think of him? Jenny said he did Lillie's surgery and she loved him... Thought I'd check too - Send me an email! Miss you on fb... Love the blog though! :)
