Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hard Candy Christmas?!?! =)

Ever have a moment where things just hit you and you realize, "how lucky you really are"???  So many people around me have lots of crazy things going on in their lives and I have to admit, it put some thoughts into my head and then many questions came out....However, I've realized that I myself, was in those same shoes several years ago and boy, what a terrible time that was!!!  Honestly, I hated it, but by the grace of God, Brenton remained my best friend and that time....made us stronger!!!  As we were putting up our "family" Christmas tree this year (we buy family ornaments that represent that year, so its turned into our family tradition tree), actually each year we chuckle, b/c the only year we don't have an ornament for is 2005 (since 1999 when we started buying) and not having it, just reminds us of "where we don't want to be again"!!!  I heard it stated, "sometimes things need to fall apart for them to come back together in a great way" and I have to say, I couldn't agree more!!!  =)  God is good and I thank him everyday for the love Brenton and I share, b/c as I look around at these folks dealing w/ hard situations it makes me sad for them!!!!  As I look back, I remember that Christmas in 2005 and every time I hear "Hard Candy Christmas" by Dolly Parton, I remember how terrible I felt, but now all I can do is smile and reflect on the blessings that I have in my life.....I believe in the power of prayer and God still continues to bless my life and having my boys, all 3 now, my life is complete!!! As I sit here, I'm realizing that having that "Hard Candy Christmas" back then, sure has helped me appreciate life and its treasures, b/c never again will I take special things for granted!!!!  I continue to pray for my friends that are hurting and hope that God will bring them peace in the situations they are faced with, so they too can enjoy a "happy" Christmas season!!!!!

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