Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ethan's Bday celebration!!

Our oldest son, Ethan, is enjoying his week long celebration for his big 5th birthday that started today.....he was all smiles at his 1st party with the Shroyer side this afternoon.  We had fun and he enjoyed his favorite meal chicken, tadda's, and corn!!!  He is something else, but boy has he blessed Brenton and I's lives and we love watching him grow.  Today, although he's not officially 5 yet, we really enjoyed spending the afternoon with Brenton's family celebrating his big day......When we got home, we had a small surprise from Colin, a couple DS games....he sure had a great day!!!
birthday lunch w/ the family

making his wish

oh boy, his very own Spiderman

Yay, I got my DS I wanted

games from his brother

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Reward Board

We decided this weekend to start a 'Reward Board' for Ethan, since he needs to start learning some's some pics to prove he deserved to be given a star =)

Cleaning his room

he likes lines too =)

Ethan's Reward Board
(He's doing pretty good, thus far)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Frustration Stinks!!!! LOL

Man, it was such a rough day today, that I honestly had to throw my hands up in the air and say, "Ok, God, give me a breather some time, please" and that came as my husband was walking in the door!!!  LOL  I love my boys immensely and anyone who knows me, knows that, but as my boys are getting older I'm realizing that things that used to be important (ie: clean house, beds made, laundry done, etc) are taking a back seat to "Mommy, I'm hungry" or "Mommy, can we watch a different movie" or "Mommy, I have to poop" or better yet, vomit on my freshly cleaned bathroom floor from my little guy who didn't want his teeth brushed!!!  Life, as a parent, definitely changes a few things and getting new priorities in line is so important....Now, I'm not saying I don't like a clean house, clean sheets, or laundry done, b/c I do very much and those are still of daily importance; however, they don't get done as quickly as possible at our house these days!  Today, was a day, that I had to use the "count to 10 method" a few times as I cleaned poop up from the office floor, vomit from the bathroom, and folded clothes (well that used to be, until Colin decided to throw them on the floor and jump in them ☺) up off the floor and refold!  I was so happy to see my husband that I relinquished my duties, for a bit, and went to the garage to clean my car.....yes, I find some relief in that and having a clean car makes this girl, I went outside to breath in some fresh air, jam to some music, and get that filthy car cleaned!  Once I did that, I was refreshed and ready to tackle the night w/ my family....Luckily, I had dinner in the crockpot and we were ready to feed some "hungy bellies" as soon as I walked back in the door!  LOL!!  I'm learning, as a mother, it's ok to be frustrated and needing a break and when moments like that come into my life, the counting to 10 helps me tremendously!!!  As I walked into the laundry room and saw those clothes on the floor w/ my son jumping in them, I looked at a very healthy child, laughing, and enjoying those, I had to smile, in my frustration, and remember what was important.....HOWEVER, I did have to discipline him and he sat on the couch for a little while, b/c I don't want him thinking it was ok.....but, I'm finding that talking to my children, after I do that, helps so much!!!  I used to think I was failing as a mother, but now I realize it's not failure, it's growth and I'm learning my kids in the different stages in their lives and as we embark on yet another growth change, I'm taking it w/ open arms!  I heard it said one time, "enjoy the seasons, b/c one day you'll wish you had them back" and that's exactly what I'm trying to do...."enjoy the seasons" with my boys!!!!  As I put the boys to bed, I couldn't help but hug them a little tighter and say "Mama loves you" one more time, b/c I don't ever want them to doubt that, even in my frustrations!!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Hello FB!!!!

As much as I tried not to use the "social media" outlet, and boy it was nice I might add, but after scrapbooking with some friends last Saturday it was brought up how much I'm "missed" on Facebook.....hahaha!!!  After, talking and realizing that so much stuff, well knowing that it does, but that I was missing quite a few things with scrap events, specials, etc that when I went home that evening, I started pondering!!!!  Now, as you will remember, I did have an account several months back and I used that account like a mad women.....but, I so didn't want to go back to that, just wanted a "fresh" start if you will and my husband had a "brilliant" idea.....start using your "Melinda Work" site and rebuild!!!!  That's my new word for 2012 "rebuild", so I found it fitting and tied it into the rest of my goal for this new year.....Now, I will admit something....being gone from FB for 4 mths, has been great and sure has helped me "refocus" on a few very important things/people in my life....being off, has helped to now, know how I want to use my FB account and I'm not going to be so "open" if you will (my negative from before)....I found new loves, this blog and also Pinterest, so all 3 of these avenues should help "my friends" keep in contact and I hope that makes a few of you happier (LOL)....I've also, made it a point, to time myself when using my social media outlets (yes all 3) and also not sit down for hours at the computer/laptop, or keep the laptop open, or be on my phone constantly, and most of all when my husband says "honey, enough" then that's it!!!  So, I now have some new ways to keep in touch with friends and keep friends in touch with my life, too....didn't realize how much people actually liked to watch my boys grow or see my family doing the things we love to do, so I'm happy to be able to share our life again and be more open (to some extent), if you will!!!  As life takes all of us in different directions, simplicity is key and being gone from the social media world for a bit, I've come to respect that!!!  Respect the fact, that not everyone wants a "simplier" way of life and that being busy means needing "easy" outlets to reach people and I totally get, for all you FB friends who have never been on this blog, but now have the website b/c I have it listed....welcome....I will definitely be using my blog to share more of our family life/pictures here rather than FB, so stop back and....for all my current blog friends that use FB, as well....I'm back can use that outlet to briefly see what is going on in our life, again!!!!!  ☺

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Fun

We had a fun afternoon celebrating Valentine's Day with the boys.....they enjoyed making their own V-day cards for Daddy and they loved their gifts we got for them......

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

a cute treat!!!!

The boys and I had a fun time tonight doing their valentine treats for the sitters on Friday....since that is the last day they will be there, before Valentine's Day, I wanted to make sure they were done. Ethan, is tickled w/ what I found and can't wait to give them out.....see Hershey chocolate bars are his absolute favorite and the cute printable I found to go over a bar, makes for the perfect little treat for their friends......I ♥ things like this, too cute!!!! =)

For their buddies

a small gift for their sitter....

made from their own hands =)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

8 years later!!!

When Brenton and I remarried back in 2006, it was a new beginning.....a start to a new life that we were so wanting our first time around.........See our first time, we were so into the wedding, getting the perfect dress, invitations, all the frills of the big day and then when the big day was over reality set in...WOW, life wasn't what we had planned/hoped it would be....In all fairness, we were kids, 20 & 21 year old kids who thought we had "the world by the tail" and boy, were we mistaken!!!  I'll never forget our first townhouse together, had very few belongings, but I remember being so proud of a wall that we were able to "completely" decorate.....As we look back upon that time and remember the good, the bad, and the ugly it was then, that we started to grow!  Grow in a way that neither of us were prepared for, but letting ourselves grow apart and onto material things, then quickly our lives were like the tornado that had abruptly hit our first home we bought together.....Life was crazy then and it's amazing how different things are now! 

When we divorced, it's hard to say this, but neither of us wanted it; however, we were too stubborn to admit it!  Even the magistrate who handled our case stated to us "are you sure" b/c we went to the courthouse together, sat together, walked in "hand in hand" and then headed to our individual tables.....Have you ever had that alone feeling, sick to your stomach feeling, but yet you knew you got this far and there was nothing left to do, but the final step.....well, that's exactly what happened!  When we left the courthouse that February 7th day in 2004, we hugged each other the longest and hardest we had ever done before.....but, that moment is when the life as I knew it was over!!!!  At least, I thought....

It's weird how life works out and when you let go and let God do his magic, b/c a few months later, my best friend and the man I was in love with.....was back in my life!  Of course, it was a huge secret and one we kept to ourselves for quite some time, b/c what would people think????  That feeling only lasted a little while, then it was like "who cares" what people think and we are proud of our stepping stones......Overall, that next year, was a rebuilding year for us and man, was it a great one!  We enjoyed everything about that time, b/c that time we were adults and being in love as an "adult" was quite different from when we were kids!!!!  This was real, true, meaningful, and growing up is just what we needed to do......

Now, as I sit here typing this post....I'm here w/ my husband of a "new" 6 years, but combined, this will be our 10th wedding anniversary (May 6th).....and YES, that's what we celebrate our combined total of years b/c we don't want to forget them!  We remarried on the exact same day, used our exact same rings, and took our vows to the exact same person, yet again!!!  I'm not embarrassed of it, honestly, I'm proud to say we MADE it on this journey together.....I'm married to my best friend, have two precious boys, a dog that we love immensely, and a life I'm proud of!!!  God is amazing and the one thing that Brenton and I have figured out, is that when your spiritual foundation is a good one, everything else falls into place.  We're not perfect, nor do we claim to be, and we like to say "we are works in progress" LOL!!!! 

So, to end this post, I'm sitting here reminiscing on a day that was so hard for me back then, but 8 years later...I'm in the very same room as the man I was supposed to say goodbye to ☺  Man, there is something powerful in that and does my heart good, knowing that I wasn't too "proud" to admit I made a mistake ☺

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Disney on Ice

We had a fun afternoon, with Brenton's brother and his family, at Disney on Ice in Columbus yesterday......I've been wanting to do a Disney on Ice show for a while now and I'm so glad we waited, b/c this was the Disney 100 Years celebration and we got to see alot of our boy's favorite characters, instead of just one theme show......I was shocked how much Colin liked it, but he did....he danced, giggled, sat and watched intently, and was so excited about it the entire time....Ethan, loved it too!  He was so excited and couldn't wait to see The Incredibles, Nemo, Mickey, Lion King, and he got to see all of them....there where even some there that he didn't know would be there and he was glad to see them, too (ie: Aladdin, Pinocchio, Stitch)....It was a nice afternoon, but I will admit, we were shocked at the price of things....Ethan wanted "comment candy" and it came w/ a crown, well that bag of cotton candy was $15, atleast the crown was gold I guess!!! LOL  I did pack the boys snacks and peanut butter/jelly sandwiches, so that helped w/ us not needing to buy $4 hot dogs on top of it.....Needless to say though, we had a lot of fun and enjoyed the show......makes me so excited to do Disney again soon!!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Grand Scheme of Things!!!

One of the hardest decisions after becoming a mother, was the fact, that I had to be honest with myself about being a "stay at home mom"!!!!!  That decision required some deep soul searching for the 10 weeks I was off work (at the time working full time) to realize that even though I loved my children immensely, I wasn't cut out to be a SAHM....well, atleast not full time anyway!  We had planned for me not to return to work after I had Ethan and honestly, I felt that's what I would do; however, I feel very blessed, as I sit here typing this, knowing that I only work part-time (3 days a week) and have done so, since my boys were born!  Working what I do and being home when I am gives me that "best of both worlds" type of feeling so to speak! I'm a much better wife and mother, getting out of my house and doing something for my family/myself, these 3 days and I know it!  I'm not trying to sell anyone on the idea that a SAHM mom is not worth it, b/c if you can do it, it truly is the greatest job in the world!!!!  Although, I do work outside of the home now, I do make sure I do my part and sometimes it feels like I'm on overload or something, but that's how I operate.....I have to be busy!  Anyway, enough of all of that and me explaining why I need that time out of the week to "get my hands dirty" if you though, is one of those days that I think, "Man, if I was just a stay at home mom" I wouldn't have to deal w/ things that my boys are doing or not doing, etc........However, on the flip side, it's days like today that I realize the best thing I'm doing for my kids, is getting them out in the real world and teaching them a few important values that comes from respecting other people, besides mom & dad!!!!!  Let me explain......Just got a phone call that Ethan "isn't listening" at the sitters very well these past couple of days, calling his friends "farts" and also, "excusing himself" from the timeout chair!!!!  A part of me chuckles, b/c in the grand scheme of things, it's so minor, but he can't get away with that now or when he's in school......So, as I sit here trying to figure out the best "plan of attack" to take w/ him on his listening skills, respecting his sitter/friends, and simply stopping when told to do so......I'm chuckling!  Not because I don't think it's a big deal, it is.....but, it's not cancer we're dealing with, he's not dying, and he didn't hurt himself!  He's truly a boy and testing his limits these days, he's 4!!!  How in the world did this type of rebellion start so young.......LOL  So, on tonight's agenda (well, after a Spelling Bee) getting to the bottom of this behavior that has suddenly entered our world!!!!  Growing's happening way too quickly!!! ☺

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Great Outdoors!!!!

Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful afternoon, so the boys and I decided to not cut out hearts, but rather go outside and enjoy the outdoors......As you can see, they had a ball!!!!

Also last night, I tried to sneak out of the house to get my walk in and as you can see.....I didn't get far by myself, b/c I had an upset little boy who wanted to go with Mommy.....Let me just say, that was the BEST walk I had in awhile.....Ethan talked the entire way (I learned alot about his friends, his "most favorites" likes, and his "big much" love for daddy, me, his brother, and sissy ♥♥) while holding my hand and when we got back home he gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Thank You Mommy for taking me with you I love to go for walks, too"  that folks, melted my heart ☺

my walking buddy