Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Frustration Stinks!!!! LOL

Man, it was such a rough day today, that I honestly had to throw my hands up in the air and say, "Ok, God, give me a breather some time, please" and that came as my husband was walking in the door!!!  LOL  I love my boys immensely and anyone who knows me, knows that, but as my boys are getting older I'm realizing that things that used to be important (ie: clean house, beds made, laundry done, etc) are taking a back seat to "Mommy, I'm hungry" or "Mommy, can we watch a different movie" or "Mommy, I have to poop" or better yet, vomit on my freshly cleaned bathroom floor from my little guy who didn't want his teeth brushed!!!  Life, as a parent, definitely changes a few things and getting new priorities in line is so important....Now, I'm not saying I don't like a clean house, clean sheets, or laundry done, b/c I do very much and those are still of daily importance; however, they don't get done as quickly as possible at our house these days!  Today, was a day, that I had to use the "count to 10 method" a few times as I cleaned poop up from the office floor, vomit from the bathroom, and folded clothes (well that used to be, until Colin decided to throw them on the floor and jump in them ☺) up off the floor and refold!  I was so happy to see my husband that I relinquished my duties, for a bit, and went to the garage to clean my car.....yes, I find some relief in that and having a clean car makes this girl, I went outside to breath in some fresh air, jam to some music, and get that filthy car cleaned!  Once I did that, I was refreshed and ready to tackle the night w/ my family....Luckily, I had dinner in the crockpot and we were ready to feed some "hungy bellies" as soon as I walked back in the door!  LOL!!  I'm learning, as a mother, it's ok to be frustrated and needing a break and when moments like that come into my life, the counting to 10 helps me tremendously!!!  As I walked into the laundry room and saw those clothes on the floor w/ my son jumping in them, I looked at a very healthy child, laughing, and enjoying those, I had to smile, in my frustration, and remember what was important.....HOWEVER, I did have to discipline him and he sat on the couch for a little while, b/c I don't want him thinking it was ok.....but, I'm finding that talking to my children, after I do that, helps so much!!!  I used to think I was failing as a mother, but now I realize it's not failure, it's growth and I'm learning my kids in the different stages in their lives and as we embark on yet another growth change, I'm taking it w/ open arms!  I heard it said one time, "enjoy the seasons, b/c one day you'll wish you had them back" and that's exactly what I'm trying to do...."enjoy the seasons" with my boys!!!!  As I put the boys to bed, I couldn't help but hug them a little tighter and say "Mama loves you" one more time, b/c I don't ever want them to doubt that, even in my frustrations!!!!!

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