Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day Memories!

This past weekend was a busy one for us and one that we wanted to make sure that our mother's knew how much we appreciate them.  It was Mother's Day on Sunday, and this year, I wanted to actually celebrate the day with just my guys. Not sure why, but the need for that was huge this year?!?!  My feelings were sparked even more when it was time to head to school with Ethan for "Muffins with Mom" on Friday!  He was so excited to spend the morning with me and I in return, loved every ounce of it!  He is my first born and I couldn't wait to start getting these "special" gifts from him one day!  He had several gifts for me that he had made and he smiled the entire time while I was there.  It was hard to leave, but I got in the car and shed a tear while looking at my handmade gifts, b/c my little boy is growing up! I love being a mom and feel so blessed that God chose me to be Ethan and Colin's mother!!!
Muffins with Mom 2013

Friday evening, we had dinner with Brenton's parents and celebrated Mother's Day with Kay.  It was a fun evening w/ a few glasses of wine, homemade pizza, gifts, chit chat, and listening to the boys love on their grandparents.  It was a fun evening and we were exhausted by the time we got home.

Saturday, we had Brenton's grandmother's "Celebration of Life" service and spent the afternoon remembering Dorothy with his family.  It was a beautiful service and a nice way to pay our final respects to a wonderful lady!  After the service, we enjoyed the fellowship hall with family for a bit and then headed over to my parents to spend the evening w/ my mom.  Yet again, another evening filled with gifts, laughter, dinner, chit chat, and coffee.  My mom and I have the best conversations over coffee....I can thank her for getting me hooked on it, too.  My mom, means the world to me, she is a wonderful lady and one that I'm thankful for everyday!  My boys had fun...Colin, didn't go to the service with us, so he was in rare form by the time we got back that happens a lot at Papa & Grandma's house for some reason, but he loves it there and his giggles make me smile when I walk in the door!

While at my parents, Ethan had another milestone happen to him....he lost his 1st tooth!  You would've thought he was dying by the way he was acting, but he finally took a bite out of his sandwich and the tooth was out!!!  Man, that boy, I hope he goes into theater one day, because he is good w/ the drama! LOL  Needless to say, all the tears were gone once we explained, he was still special.  For some reason, he thought losing your tooth meant you weren't special any longer?  hahaha
our Toothless Wonder
When we got home, we prepared for the Tooth Fairy!  It was the cutest darn thing and thanks to my Mother-in-Law, she whipped up the tooth pillow or as Ethan calls it his "special pillow" for the Tooth Fairy and here's what she found.....
hope she listens!! LOL

Tooth Fairy Memories
Sunday morning I woke up to a nice surprise of breakfast in bed, w/ my 4 loves, watching me eat every bite, cards, and giggles.  I also got a beautiful family necklace that Brenton had made by my favorite local jewelry maker JessicaNDesigns. I have several of her pieces and I love every one of them, but this one, is pretty special and I love wearing it.  Ethan came down w/ a nasty stomach virus shortly after our morning fun, so the afternoon, was spent at home under covers, watching Tom & Jerry, drinking 7-up, and then Brenton made banana splits for us.  Overall, a lazy day, is exactly what the Dr. ordered!  Mother's Day was a great day and my guys made me feel pretty special!!!

my beautiful gift from my guys

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