Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Comfort...please come back!!! =)

Our house has been absolutely crazy these days, but I think we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  I don't think I've been this overwhelmed in a long time and I'm so looking forward to getting things back to normal.  I don't think I was prepared for everything, like I thought I was, and when everything was like a MAC truck hit us!  Not complaining one bit, believe me, I'm liking where we are in life, but it's just a lot right now!!! The house is coming along...we get our new washer & dryer delivered Friday, I FINALLY found furniture last night that I like, so that will be delivered on Monday, and our fence should be up within the next week or so...then things will start feeling more like home. Might sound weird, but we have yet to get cable connected, not sure how long we'll go without it, but it is kind of nice....The best part, Brenton and I worked hard to save a few extra pennies, knowing we wanted new things to go in this house, so having everything bought and paid for feels pretty darn good, too.  I joke that Brenton's OCD about saving drives me nuts, and truly it does to an extent, but I realize in times like this exactly why he likes to do it.  Can't tell you how many times we heard things like "Lowe's has 12 mths same as cash" or "Andreas has a same as cash option" much as it doesn't bother me to use those, my husband hates it!  So, long story short, we worked hard to do what we did!  Now, I just need to wait to get everything in its place.  Anyway, enough about that......the boys, are doing great!  They have adjusted well and love being in Gnaden.  Ethan tells me every day, "Mommy, I love our new house" and that's no joke, every day!  He has more to do and loves having the backyard to go play golf.  It's neat to finally see, what I've always dreamed of seeing!  Colin, loves to run around the house and he loves the porch...the kid loves to be outside and this place provides that for him.  It's nothing spectacular or brand new even, but it is totally us and we have worked really hard to get to this point!!!!  The boys, have totally changed our lives and this move was mainly for them.  I wasn't ready to do it...Brenton was 110%, but I knew in my heart it was time and everything fell right into place, so I got my answer to what I was so afraid of doing pretty quick.  I was comfortable in our life and this, truly has me all out of, I'm longing for "comfortable" again and hope it comes soon, too (hahaha)!!!!

love what having a front porch brings 
cousins provide lots of fun...he loves having them close now
our favorite spot to hang out
yea, this happens daily (if I don't shut Ethan's door) LOL
it took a week to purge our crap, but we can park in the garage now
they love their outside play area
didn't take long for this to start happening...
what a monkey

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Time for a Change!!!

Well, I'm finally at the point that I've been waiting for...the point of having the move behind us.  WOW, what a fricken nightmare!  I tried so hard last week to have all the small stuff moved, put into place, and some sort of order amongst the chaos so when Saturday came it wouldn't be so bad.  Well, Saturday came and holy "crap" there was still a lot.  I felt terrible for our helpers, but glad they understood and got the job done.  Now, it's just time to purge all of this "stuff" that we have accumulated over the past 7 years being in that house, so that we can start to use our garage....haha!!  Brenton and I quit caring about our old house, to say the least!  We did enough to get by, but not like we used to.  I used to have a schedule, but that all went out the window when we decided to put the house on the market.  Then April and May were 2 stressful months, so everything we had planned to do, didn't happen, b/c nothing happened the way it was supposed to.  Anyway, it's all behind us now and today I finalized everything up there, so we are now here in Gnadenhutten 100%.  Now that we are here, still have things to get done....porches, landscaping, painting, buy furniture to mention a few, but the boys are in heaven.  They absolutely love being this close to their cousin's and I love seeing them run a muck and giggling while doing so!  It is going to be so fun watching them grow up together and making memories that will last a lifetime...I've waited a very long time to have a house big enough to do all the things I've wanted to, so we are going to embrace this change and make sure to do all we can to enjoy this moment.  It's a bittersweet feeling for me, but today I said my goodbye's and as I made my final walk through, I remembered the moments of bringing the boys home, the place where their "firsts" took place, the marking's on the walls...all those moments that are now memories, but I will never forget!  I loved that house for everything that it held, but I realize that it is now time to move on and make even more memories here.  This house is starting to feel like home, I've got it livable, but need to decorate.  That's my thing, I love to decorate, so this might take me some time, LOL!  I have ideas and the more that I'm here, it's starting to click how I want each room.  I love the fact that we are not under a time crunch, we have time to personalize it, so I'm taking my time and enjoying the change of scenery.   

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Back to Reality!!!

What a crazy week it's been here for us.....we made it home, safe & sound, from a great vacation.  We got to experience tropical storm Andrea, we went to Mote Marine Aquarium, shopped, but pretty much loafed around the condo all week.  It was a week of nothing planned and letting the day take us where it may!  That is our type of vacation.  The boys had a great time in the ocean, especially Colin, he loved all the waves and did great.  He loved to run in and out of the water and would not pee in the ocean, so he would come to get us and off we'd go to the condo...LOL!  Ethan, liked the ocean, but it was a little rough and after a while he'd ask to go to the pool, so off we'd go.  =)  He made some new friends Aiden and Logan, so it helped to have them there to keep him entertained.  Our condo (#130) was right in the pool area, which we loved, so it was convenient!  The storm hit on Thursday and man, it was crazy for a bit; however, we went out to experience it & see the action.  There were crazy surfers in the water; even though, there were warnings about the rip currents.  They were neat to watch!!! After an afternoon of being indoors, mostly, we were ready to get out and enjoy the circle and get some ice cream.  Not sure why, but this vacation was really relaxing and definitely a great one.  We are looking forward to next year already and now, our group has expanded for the next!  It was a great time, but it was even better to be home.  Brenton and I are blessed with great little travelers, so that made the trip home a fun one.  Ethan insisted on taking all his pillow pals (aka: his kids) and they came in handy when the boys were sleeping.  Anyway, it was a wonderful trip, but glad to be home and I will post pics soon......Now to get this move behind us!  We are so excited to finally be where we want to be!  Last year, when Brenton and I sat down with our financial advisor, we made a 5 year plan and set some goals....well, here we are year 2 accomplishing them.  Man, does that feel good, too!  It feels good to be in a spacious home now, let me tell you!  I finally feel a sense of "home" and Brenton is in love....he hated our old house, so to finally see him happy, does my heart good!  We love the community, too.  We are within walking distance of all sorts of things and stuff that will get the boys out of the house....Ethan, walked down the street w/ Justise and Jamisyn to the library, got some ice cream, and as I watched them walk back home I realized this is the place we've been waiting for....I'm really looking forward to making this house our home, but most of all, watching our boys grow up in it!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Break From Reality!!!!

Well we made's been a great vacation thus far!  I have to admit and say we had some great little travelers!  They were champs and did great!  We decided Thursday evening it probably was best to leave and drive through the night, so we did.  Turned out to be a great decision, because the boys slept from 11:30 to almost 7 and by then, we were almost to Kingsland, GA!  That's where we thought we'd stop, well, that's what was planned from the get go; however, when we got there....we all were still ready to go more.  So, we drove and drove some more and got to St. Petersburg, FL and stayed there at the Country Inn & Suites!  We were exhausted!!!  I fell in and out of sleep for most of the afternoon, after we checked in, but finally fell asleep with Colin at about 9....that little turd, was too excited to sleep, but when he was ready he crashed and so did I.  Anyway, when we all got up, we were so excited and ready to go....we made a quick stop at WalMart then off we went!!! We made it here to Suntide around 2ish and since we had a little time to wait for our condo, we headed to the didn't seem all that hot, but now that we are all a little crispy I guess it was. LOL!!!  Well, here are a few pictures from our trip thus far.....looks like the week has spots of rain every day, but that might be a blessing in disguise with how hot it gets here...nonetheless, we are in FL for a bit and this "break from reality" is exactly what we needed and we will enjoy every moment!!!!

ready to head south

4 hours in and our first stop for a quick potty break and snack
our fierce leader...LOL
tuckered out for the night
I was jamming, while my guys were sound asleep
even Daddy loves Hulk =)

wide awake and ready to go, he got a new truck
we love this state!!!
at the Bay, heading to St. Pete to stay over night
Ethan insisted on all his "kids" =)

refreshed and ready to head to Suntide....loves his new Hot Wheels
Ethan chose to add to his "family" LOL

the toll booth at the Skyway Bridge
Brenton has been wanting to take us over this bridge for years....
so, here we go!!!
windows down and excited to be here =)

Just arrived & heading to the beach, but enjoying the puddles first =)

our Paradise!!!
the group!!!
so excited to be here....they ran to the ocean

my beach bums
time to....
head to the pool
a week w/ these guys & the ocean = all I need