Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Break From Reality!!!!

Well we made's been a great vacation thus far!  I have to admit and say we had some great little travelers!  They were champs and did great!  We decided Thursday evening it probably was best to leave and drive through the night, so we did.  Turned out to be a great decision, because the boys slept from 11:30 to almost 7 and by then, we were almost to Kingsland, GA!  That's where we thought we'd stop, well, that's what was planned from the get go; however, when we got there....we all were still ready to go more.  So, we drove and drove some more and got to St. Petersburg, FL and stayed there at the Country Inn & Suites!  We were exhausted!!!  I fell in and out of sleep for most of the afternoon, after we checked in, but finally fell asleep with Colin at about 9....that little turd, was too excited to sleep, but when he was ready he crashed and so did I.  Anyway, when we all got up, we were so excited and ready to go....we made a quick stop at WalMart then off we went!!! We made it here to Suntide around 2ish and since we had a little time to wait for our condo, we headed to the didn't seem all that hot, but now that we are all a little crispy I guess it was. LOL!!!  Well, here are a few pictures from our trip thus far.....looks like the week has spots of rain every day, but that might be a blessing in disguise with how hot it gets here...nonetheless, we are in FL for a bit and this "break from reality" is exactly what we needed and we will enjoy every moment!!!!

ready to head south

4 hours in and our first stop for a quick potty break and snack
our fierce leader...LOL
tuckered out for the night
I was jamming, while my guys were sound asleep
even Daddy loves Hulk =)

wide awake and ready to go, he got a new truck
we love this state!!!
at the Bay, heading to St. Pete to stay over night
Ethan insisted on all his "kids" =)

refreshed and ready to head to Suntide....loves his new Hot Wheels
Ethan chose to add to his "family" LOL

the toll booth at the Skyway Bridge
Brenton has been wanting to take us over this bridge for years....
so, here we go!!!
windows down and excited to be here =)

Just arrived & heading to the beach, but enjoying the puddles first =)

our Paradise!!!
the group!!!
so excited to be here....they ran to the ocean

my beach bums
time to....
head to the pool
a week w/ these guys & the ocean = all I need

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