Saturday, December 7, 2013

our "Journey" continues...

Well, the day finally came and is now behind us!  The day I was dreading yet again, only because I knew what was going to was a day, I hoped would've happened a month earlier, but didn't and here we were again heading back to Akron Children's Hospital!  I woke up that morning about 3 am, a nervous wreck, but making sure we had everything we needed for the morning commute.  The weather wasn't in our favor, as I stood looking out the window and hearing the pelting of sleet on the kitchen window I knew it was going to be a "great" day!  LOL!!! It's funny how in those moments, the quiet moments, when nothing is happening around here except for my mind racing in anticipation of getting results!  I made some breakfast, got some coffee, and sat down in front of the TV to watch a little of the ID channel.....then around 5:15 or so, I get a phone call from the school and sure enough the weather had made it known that it was getting worse outside, b/c the superintendent left a message stating there would be no school.  Well shoot, but that thought was quickly gone, b/c why wouldn't Ethan go along with us.  I mean, everything we do is family oriented and being there with us, to be support for his brother, was the perfect thing to do!  We loaded up the car about 6:20 and off we were to the hospital!

After getting there, it was clear this time was going to be different, b/c Colin was fine!  There was no crying, screaming, or anxiety over anything....instead, he grabbed his Daddy's hand and off we went!  After registration, we were off to 4th floor sedation and there we sat for a little while until it was time.  I took Ethan out of the room, so he didn't have to see Colin upset, and we went to the gift shop!  While looking for a special gift for Colin, and of course something for Ethan, I get a text that said "they got it in 1 try"!!!!  YAY, the IV wasn't a failure this time and that's when I knew we'd get results!  This is the 1st step we need, so we can move forward, and get everything we need for Colin to get a diagnosis.  Overall, the process took about 3 hours from start to finish, but after it was done we got the results of "he hears just fine" and "I see nothing wrong"!  Wow, really, b/c we thought for sure they'd find something in his left ear, since that's the one he holds, but it turns out there is nothing wrong.  After hearing the news, that made a few things perfectly clear to me, and now I have a calming feeling about what answers still lie ahead of us!  As the nurses were preparing us for his discharge, I had a few questions about upstairs, and they were able to help me.  I felt as if they were afraid to say anything about what seems to be inevitable, but in their kindness, they made sure to make us feel like we were in good hands then and when we return to take further testing just 1 floor above where we stood!  As I was putting on his jacket, I softly kissed his sweet face and said, "doesn't matter whatever the diagnosis is, b/c we love you buddy and this journey, our journey, we'll take every step together" and once I picked him up to leave, I turned around and their was his nurse, whom I didn't know was there and her words were to me, "that's a wonderful way to look it, b/c you sure do have a sweet boy"!!!!!

With that, we were lead down a few different hallways, to the elevator, then out the way we came.....all while a mock fire alarm drill was going off!  LOL!!!  Once we got to the main hallway, there he was....the Big Man in the Red Suit!  You know Santa Claus...yep, it was him and Mrs. Claus and they were coming in to hand out candy canes to the kids!  Ethan, was so excited and stood motionless while Santa talked with him....Colin, didn't really care for Santa, but loved the candy cane Mrs. Claus gave to him.  It was perfect and a perfect way to end our visit, b/c that morning Chippey dropped off their current "Nice" list notices and then getting to see Santa, man it was a magical day all around!  I stood in awe, just smiling...being there, in that hospital, helps to make you realize how blessed you really are!  I don't know everything that lies ahead of us, but one thing I do know, we truly are blessed and the battle we have to face, is absolutely nothing compared to some we saw!  God is good and  I'm truly grateful for the "journey" he has us on!!!!

he loved having breakfast in the cafeteria w/ all the Dr's
our little Champ....only took 1 shot this time for the IV
waiting for the test to start....out like a light!
then it was time

while we waited, he wanted to see what the 8th floor was like
YAY for Santa and Mrs. Claus
heading home
official notices were hand delivered!

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