Thursday, August 23, 2018

Back-to-School 2018

How in the world is it time for the kids to be back in school?  I swear I say it every year, but truly...where did the summer go?  Not sure, but reality is school is in session and this year for our house is a big one.  Ethan is a middle schooler now! Yep, 6th grade and in a new building w/ new rules, a locker, changing classes, and both elementary schools have combined so more kids to tend with.  I have to admit, I've been nervous for him.  Last year, I worked hard to get to the bottom of an issue that we were dealing with since 3rd grade.  I knew it was my last chance to help him and I'm so glad things worked out for him.  Ethan, was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder last spring and a severe case at that.  I was so shocked when I heard that news, I knew something, but I wasn't prepared for the results when we got them.  I felt like I failed my son and was trying to push him, when in actuality he couldn't handle the time!  Well, let me just say, Ethan has been handling his anxiety so well.  Our house has been learning so much from him, as well.  We're open, we communicate more, we're honest (even when I don't want to be just sex, family issues, etc) BUT it has to be talked about.  The psychologist told me Ethan is an "old soul" and the worst thing that can be done is to not answer the questions when he has them.  So, I've taken all the advice I can and changing the way I parent.  It's been freeing and certainly has opened my eyes to how life can be regardless of the situation.  I am so blessed and through my boys have learned so much about the life we've been given. Ethan ended 5th grade better than he started and now is in 6th grade with all the things he needs for his learning path.  His dad and I worked hard to get a 504 plan in place for him and working with our school district to get him a clear path.  So, yesterday, the 1st day of school arrived and we were prepared.  It went better than I ever could have imagined! He did it and with no anxiety issue at all! Nerves, yes but no major anxiety attack and that was huge given all the newness going on around him.  It made me smile, as I sat outside last night, because it hit me that we worked hard for his sake and it's going to pay off. He had a great day and his exact words, "I believe I'm going to like middle school better than elementary." I hope so buddy, I sure do hope so!☺

Also, yesterday, Colin started 3rd grade and he is back at Midvale w/ Mrs. Jones.  He went right in the room, looked at her, and said, "sit down, Colin." So, he was in his groove pretty quick.  He loved his summer break, we all did, but when the time came he knew what he had to do.  A cool thing this year, is the boys get to ride the same bus and that will be a great addition to our schedule.  Getting to start their day together and end their school day at the same time, is something I've wanted for awhile. Overall, our 1st day back was a huge success and for that, I'm thankful!

2018 Back-to-School Pics

1st day of 6th grade
1st day of 3rd grade

Time to go

bus buddies this year
Off they go
Colin's Open House night
my little 3rd grade Eskimo

getting warmed up

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