Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Making Memories

This past weekend, it was a pretty lazy one here. I have to admit....I love weekends like that, especially winter weekends! As I mentioned before, I'm really embracing the winter season this year.  However, let's be honest, it's much nicer to embrace from inside your nice, cozy, & warm home. LOL!  For some reason though, Saturday, it really hit me that I wanted/needed to get outside and get some fresh air.  Lucky for me, it wasn't all that cold and Colin was wanting to "go side" as well, so I got him all bundled up and out we went.  He enjoyed the snow and just played out back rolling around and swinging. I loved watching him!

Ethan, decided he too wanted to go outside when Colin was ready to head back in, so he and I headed down to the Nature Center to take a look at the river and explore down there. While Colin went back in to warm up and get something to eat w/ daddy.  The center is pretty much right behind our house and a short walk down the street.  We enjoy going down, so we went and spent a good part of the late afternoon down there. We were having so much fun that Brenton texted to remind us it was getting dark, LOL!  I LOVE getting to spend individual time with my boys and watching their imaginations come to life.  It means so much to me to have conversations and time that is ours making memories, especially with Ethan right now.  He's getting older and I want to make sure that he always feels & knows that I am interested in him, his likes, and his thoughts! We had fun exploring and seeing how high the river was.  What a fun afternoon! ♥

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