Thursday, July 11, 2019


Who doesn't love the Fourth of July?  I mean really, it is just a fun summer holiday and here, we enjoy it to the fullest! This year we had a 4-day weekend, too. Our little town has a festival and puts on a great fireworks show to end the festivities. To be honest, I've never been down to it, because Colin doesn't really enjoy large crowds and so, he stays back with me. However, my big guys go down and then we sit on our front porch to watch the fireworks. Have to say, this fits me perfectly! Colin and I enjoyed the pool and since it was so hot, Brenton and Ethan didn't make it too long into the parade, on Saturday, before they headed back home to swim with us.  We had a great weekend!

This year, Ethan decided he wanted to spend some time with his friends and so we encouraged him to watch the fireworks, at the park, with them to see them up close. He loved it!  It was such a fun and relaxing weekend to just be home, enjoy our community, and be us!  Loved every part of it!

Ready to Celebrate
my festive drink of the weekend
gotta have sparklers on the 4th
Happy Birthday 'Merica
my Python was a flop
4th of July night in small town America
my fish
buddies at work

found a turtle
love to decorate
our tradition for every holiday
getting ready for the fireworks
what we saw, pretty good view
Ethan with his friends
Yep, I had to watch this card....Wow, what a night!

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