Friday, November 1, 2019

🌰Memories Made🌰

Last weekend, was the perfect fall weekend! The weather was beautiful! It was going to be a busy weekend, but one we prepared for all week. For some reason, Ohio State played Friday night and we made plans with friends to watch the game, so the boys went to my parents for the evening. Brenton took Saturday off at the golf course, because our plan was to go down to Columbus to look for his birthday gift; however, when we woke up we thought we might just change the plan and stay home. The weather was beautiful and we thought our annual Halloween scavenger hunt would be fun, so after breakfast we headed to pick up the boys and let them know what our plans were.

The funny thing about having a plan and talking about it all week long, is that one boy was pretty stoked about it and thought about it all week. So, he was not buying into our change! He loves our scavenger hunt, but he "was so looking forward to going to Columbus and really wanted to go" and with that, we headed home to unpack and get Ohio State garb on! 

I could tell, right away, as we stopped for gas and everyone got a snack that it was going to be a good day.  Colin is so fun right now!  He is definitely changing and at a stage where he just loves to go "ride" and loves adventure. We listened to music and sang the whole way down. Now, my husband, the minute he turns into the Woody facility, turns into a complete kid! It is hysterical! He has no care in the world and has no idea what he mind find when he gets there, but he still loves to just go to see what is going on. As we were pulling in, I could see there were cars in the gated area where the football players park, so I knew he was hoping to see some.  Guess what.....he did!
Chase Young #2 DE & Ethan
Baron Browning #5 LB & Ethan
It never fails, lol

After the excitement at the Woody, I mean who would've thought Chase Young would be there at the very moment we were?! That was definitely a surreal moment! This kid is a beast on the field and one we talk about every week, so to be able to see him standing right in front of us was pretty cool! Brenton is hilarious, the man truly seems to be able to be at the right place at the right time. LOL!

Now, it was time to head over to The Shoe. We were all still in disbelief that we got caught up in our chatting and Brenton missed the turn, so we had to turn around to get back on course. Our goal was to find Brenton's brick that was laid this past summer, so once we got the car parked off we went. It was a fun little scavenger hunt that we found ourselves in. The location map we received in the mail, led us to the vicinity of where the brick was, but we had to look through a good many to find his specific one......

We found it! It was the perfect location for Brenton too, because he loves Buckeye Grove and his brick is right in front it.  Now, the biggest Ohio State fan I know, is a permanent part of the stadium that he loves.  Great birthday idea my mom had this year!

Now, I had nothing to do with this next part! Colin had enough after Buckeye Grove that he was ready to "go car" but Brenton and Ethan were wanting to walk around the stadium. I wasn't feeling the greatest, thanks to a quick lunch at McDonald's, so I took Colin back to the car while the other two headed to explore....explore they did, too! After about 10 mins or so, my phone started dinging and once I glanced at the pics I could see they made their way inside! OMG, my heart started racing and I'm thinking my goodness they're going to get in trouble, yet my calm husband was in his glory w/ his son on the 50 yard line! WHAT? How does he do this stuff?!?! I mean it, it never fails that this man is able to pull off some crazy stuff every time he is there.  I don't condone it, so don't get me wrong, BUT it was definitely a memory Ethan will never, ever forget and for that I do smile. What a great day, so glad we stuck to the original plan!!

To finish off such a great weekend, last Sunday, we were invited to a hayride at our friends farm. I knew it would be fun, festive, the weather was awesome, BUT these types of things make me really nervous! It's a new environment, lots of sensory going on, and I just don't know how Colin will react? There was going to be a lot of people there I didn't know, so how would they be with my son who might not like it? Would people stare and not understand? However, our friends are amazing people and I knew, regardless of the outcome they would completely understand and with that I knew it was going to be ok. So, I put by big girl pants on and off we went. I couldn't worry about the folks I didn't know, besides I was already expecting the worst and we hadn't even arrived yet. I sensed the negative thoughts, so I said a quick prayer for the good Lord to switch my thinking and allow this to be a positive experience! Guess what...prayer answered, because Colin was in his glory! Not one thing phased that kid, he waited patiently and once we started to roll he just looked and enjoyed every piece of scenery that he saw. He absolutely LOVED it!

We are at a stage now that we have to try these things with him. We have to expand his horizons and allow him to feel all the sensory that comes along with each new thing, so he learns to adapt. He's doing amazing with it, too! I'm loving this new place we are in. It's so fun and challenging all at the same time! It's so great that he has an awesome big brother who helps him and watches him like a hawk. And, a dad, the calm one, who just stands back and allows him to explore and be the boy that God made him to be. These two, help me so much! They give me the courage and the strength to take on these new environments and push through, so that Colin gets to be involved and have fun, too. Yes, our life is a bit different from the average folk; however, with my guys (all 3) I know we can handle whatever comes our way! I'm so grateful and know that I'm truly blessed!

What a great weekend! ♥

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