Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Our Anchor⚓❤

Father's Day is always a special time during the summer. A day we get to spoil my hubby, not that we don't everyday, but on Father's Day he gets a little extra kisses and hugs! I'm very blessed to have such a great husband, but I tell ya seeing him with our boys and everything he does for them is how I know just how blessed I really am! Brenton is a great provider, he's fun, he's involved and our boys absolutely adore him! I couldn't do this life that God blessed us with without him, I do know that! Where I'm weak, he's strong and together parenting is something we are conquering together. Not everyone understands our life, not that they need to, but we stopped explaining a long time ago on things and honestly, just hunkered down on our little family of four and our fur baby, too. We do exactly what we want to and learned to not care what anyone thinks about it! Autism, is what we can thank for that, too. It has a way to slow you down, to show you what's important and to help you keep priorities straight. It's not easy, but I'm truly grateful for a partner who gets  the emotional rollercoaster that comes along with it. Colin, has given us the ability to focus solely on what happens between our 4 walls of our home and allow only things that fit our energy to be part of our journey. Life has gotten simple, by the understanding of what our priorities are in life and focusing on what is important! Brenton is the anchor to all this for us! He is willing and able to stand up for us and our need to keep the energy in a positive light! I've seen him changing and shifting, over the past several years, and I'm truly grateful for it! God has given us so much and together we can move the mountains, so to speak! This past weekend we got to celebrate Brenton and all he is to us by showering him with love, gifts, food, and time together. I loved everything about it! We got a lot done! It was a very productive weekend to say the least, but a good one! 

Our own father's are of equal importance in our lives and it was great to get to visit with them to celebrate Father's Day, as well! Our boys love their grandpa's so much! I absolutely adore watching them making memories with our dads. It warms my heart! I feel it's so important in a child's life to have the love of their grandparents and I'm so thankful our boys have great ones! 

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