Thursday, April 29, 2021

My "not so" Little Man Turns 12 🥳

Just don't expect too much, they said! He probably won't do much, they said! Yeah, yeah he's autistic we get it! However, fast forward a few years and here we are watching this so called "bump on a log" child, celebrate his 12th birthday! He was all smiles and so happy for his birthday! I will admit, birthdays have gotten easier and more fun the older he gets, because we figured out they needed to be celebrated his way....very low key!  I never did like those comments, nor did I ever allow them to define my son! Autism is part of him, it's not who he is and watching him grow is the best thing! He's a fun, energetic, brave and  happy boy! He brings so much joy to our family and watching him enjoy his 12th birthday yesterday brought me so much happiness! All the hard days on this journey, have led us to this point and man what an awesome young man he's growing into! I love him more than anything and he sure has shown me so much about life that when these milestones come, I watch him and I don't fuss (as much)! I watch him do and be and that makes me so proud to know that never did we allow the negative to interfere w/ the positives! Never did we try to push him to do more, because we knew he should be able to! It's coming for him and this birthday is proof that when you allow him to be, he shines! My little man, isn't so little anymore and I know I'll be what they call a "forever mom" with him, but watching him smile, laugh, and sing "Happy Birthday" to himself filled my momma heart with so much joy that I can't imagine doing or being anything else! Life is getting easier as he grows and seeing it, believing it, and knowing it will happen is everything! Autism wasn't my choice, but I was blessed with it and have strived hard to allow my son to just be! Be free! Free to be him and yesterday, turning 12, watching him open presents that he wouldn't do before, sat and let us sing the full birthday song to him without having to leave the room, blowing out a candle that he had no interest in previously, to the simple smile on his face when I took his picture, b/c autism children don't smile, right? Well, my boy did and does! Yesterday, was proof that it's happening and I look forward to many, many more birthdays with my boy! ❤

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