Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Passenger Seat Life

You know those conversations you had with folks about the "one day" stuff when your child is young and the response of "yeah, one day," all the while thinking, "it's ok, it's so far away!" Yep, I had those many times! For some reason, the "it's so far away" thought would always calm my heart for that moment, because it truly did feel so far away! However, I'm now realizing, it's just not the case anymore. The teenage jump was hard, but driving? Wow, this moment has hit me hard! 

Last week, Ethan hit the 6-month mark from his 15th birthday, which meant he could take his permit test! Yes, again, I had that same feeling 6 months ago that we had time, but when he asked LAST WEEK if he could take the test, I had to check the calendar to make sure it was true! OMG!!!! It took a minute for my heart to catch up to my head that it was true and indeed, he could take the test if he was ready. He spent the week studying and by Sunday, he passed the online test! It was official, he could literally be behind the wheel, with us for now of course, but he could operate the car nonetheless! I was so nervous for him, but he did awesome and passed all on his own! 

The next step, the BMV, to get everything else done to make it legal. Man, I got teary eyed there and I just couldn't hold back the emotion. Yes, the clerk noticed and helped me feel better, but man I was so sad, in good way, on the inside! Here we were, my first born who now stands 6'1'' and towers me, was filling out his own paperwork and smiling for his permit picture. I was so excited for him and as I wiped a tear, he came up beside me and gave me a side hug saying, "are you crying, it's ok mom!" And, you know what, it truly is! He's growing up and I'm reminded how awesome God is watching it! This child has my whole heart and I love being his mother! These moments, though bittersweet and a constant reminder of how time is flying, I wouldn't change any of it. I finally know what my mom felt when she had to stand back and let me grow up, too. It's hard, but fun all at the same time! I mean we parents know this is the natural progression of life, but it doesn't make it easier when it's your turn to face it! He's ready, regardless if I'm not, so I'm embracing the moment and enjoy watching him as he keeps spreading his wings and doing this growing up thing! Yeah, I'm not a big fan of it.....hahaha! Brenton and I have worked hard to build our little family and I'm so blessed to have a spouse who I rely on in these moments, because man I'm such a sap! Life is happening and I'm going to hang on tight to it, just in the passenger seat now.💗

Thursday, August 18, 2022

This Growing Up Thing

And, so it is...another summer in the memory books! Wow, 3 months sure did go fast! It's funny, because we thought we had so much time this summer, with 3 full months off, but here we are school is back in session! UGH! I'm never ready, but to be completely honest, I do enjoy the routine that school brings our house. So, I am looking forward to having that back, but it's still the thought that more time has passed, I guess. I don't know, it's just going really, really fast!  

This year, we had a very successful 1st day with both. Probably the best, yet, especially for Colin! He was nervous, but man he rocked it! It's definitely showing that he's growing and adapting, which makes life easier! I'm trying my hardest to hold on for dear life to these boys, but man this growing up thing! LOL!

Sophomore Year

Ready to go

7th Grade

Off he goes

Friday, July 1, 2022

Those "Dam" Memories

Those who know me, know that I'm very much into nostalgia! I hold memories close to my heart and I absolutely love to make them! My family means the world to me and it's been so fun making lots and lots of memories w/them! Time is going fast though and now having 2 teenagers, I'm really feeling it! I'm trying to embrace it, knowing it's out of my control and taking everything in these days! 

One thing my boys and I like to do, is head back to Freeport to visit my grandparents graves! We really enjoy it and it does my heart good to go back! Every time we go, I try to add something and last week it was the Clendening Dam! Oh my, the memories I have at the dam smacked me in the face being there w/my boys! It was fun! It was neat to see them doing exactly what I used to when I was a kid! It truly did my soul good to go back and share that w/them!  

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Life is Good

Summer, is definitely in full swing at our house and though we were thrown a curve ball, we're still enjoying it! We had a fun vacation, a couple weddings, our driveway done and in the mist of all that survived one hell of a storm that left us with damage that we're still working on piecing everything back together! Thank goodness for insurance! That necessary evil sure did calm us when we started to see our stuff being thrown all over the place. That storm was scary! Brenton and I have been in a couple tornadoes, but this was different! This one was eerie and I was pretty scared, but we made it through! It was quite the week, but thank goodness for the generator. That thing was a blessing! It helped keep our lives somewhat normal for the 4 days we were w/o electric! And, when you have a special needs child, normalcy is all costs! LOL!

Vacation was so fun this year! We did our normal, the beach and the mountains, but changing it up helped us get the most out of our time so we could enjoy every moment! We had family with us and that was fun, too! I think it has maybe turned into an annual event and I'm all about it! It really was a great time! We did have the mountains that was just us and that was fun, too. I finally saw a bear! I mean literally right in front of me was this bear, so that was pretty cool! We made memories that will last a lifetime and for that I'm grateful! I love to get away, but man home is definitely where I love to be most! After 2 weeks, we were ready to get back to the homebase and enjoy the remaining dog days of summer. We thought it was going to be easy, breezy, but Mother Nature wanted to make herself known and so we have a mess! It just takes time, so we're slowly getting things back to normal. Once I get my fence back up, around the pool, I'll be good! It's stuff like this that you take a good hard look and realize just how blessed you truly are! Our damage is minimal, compared to others in town, our home is still standing and all the "stuff" can be replaced in a matter of a few weeks, but it still stings a bit! The positive, we now get the opportunity to makes things better and that's a good feeling!

We still have time left, but once we get to July, it feels like summer is coming to a close pretty rapidly! So, I'm trying my hardest to enjoy every moment w/ my boys and so far, it's been good! Life is good! My boys are good! The world is crazy, but we're surviving it and embracing our little place in it! 💚