Monday, October 31, 2011

Hurting a Pumpkin..Really???

We have been trying for the past 2 weeks to get the boys to carve pumpkins.....obviously Colin, being 2, could really careless and Ethan, well, he doesn't want to "hurt" his pumpkin, so we haven't been able to carve them.  We've tried everything, but that boy, will kiss and hug his pumpkin, but wants nothing to do w/ putting a face on it.  We even had to bring it inside, due to the cold weather, so that pumpkin has a nice, comfy spot on the entry floor....The other night, Colin tried to bring his pumpkin in and broke the handle, so his didn't last to even get a face put on it, but he didn't care....he just looked at it and wanted nothing to do w/ it after that, thank heavens :)  Anyway, this morning, the boys and I have been talking about trick-or-treat tonight and Ethan is super excited....he's going to be a pirate and we finally got him his sword, to complete his costume and he's carrying that thing around like it's his best friend :) Colin doesn't know any better, but he does like his parrot costume, so that's a plus and once he gets out there tonight he'll have a ball  (I'll post pics from trick-or-treat later) .....Anyway, we are getting ready for the festivities around our neighborhood and I'm not sure who's more excited the boys, or Brenton and I :)  HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!
here's Mr. Pumpkin....nice and comfy, w/o a face, in the entryway =)

1 comment:

  1. I like the plain face pumpkin - We had one we didn't crave either - It was just too perfect the way it was... :)
