Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!!!!

     Hard to believe that 2011 is over and 2012, is now reality.....Trying to think back upon the last year and like every new year, I find myself saying "that went really fast"!!!  As I try to make each year meaningful and memorable for our family, I find myself thinking "man, what did we do w/ that time?" Thank heavens for my scrapbooks, pictures, and this blog, b/c I look back on last year and these things quickly remind me that we did have a great year!!!  There were moments of hurt, happiness, sadness, excitement, etc and with each year all those emotions will still find there way back, but we welcome 2012 with open arms and new resolutions w/ no fear!!! LOL  Anyway, for the most part, 2011 was a great year =) 

     As we were pondering what to do to ring in the New Year, b/c we are not party people, my sister-in-law came to our rescue.....Saturday morning we headed down to Columbus to celebrate w/ them.....It was a fun night filled with tons of food, Twister, Wii, Dsi, adult beverages, kids screaming, and Ryan Seacrest.....would you believe, we all made it to about 11:30....really, a half hour or so till the ball dropped and we were out.....well, Kayla, our niece, was the only one that stayed up and got to see Lady Gaga perform, but from what I hear, we didn't miss anything...LOL  Anyway, it was a fun night and the exact way we like to do things, low-key w/ enough food to get fat on.....Happy New Year to you all, hope you had a great time celebrating, as well!!!!

Twister Fun (Aunt Angie, Kayla, and Ethan) ☺

Kayla & Dylan getting the Wii fun started

Ethan & Kayla doing it "Just Dance" style

they were buddies all night...Dylan & Ethan

Brenton chillaxin

 guess what he's getting for his birthday?!?!

A long night of fun = tired boy on New Years Day

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