Sunday, January 15, 2012

Scrapbooks, a Shiner, and Hippos

This weekend has been quite boring, to say the least....but, after getting Colin medicated and feeling better, it's ending on a positive note =)  Today, since Colin has proven that going to the church building isn't going to happen for awhile, I stayed back w/ him and watched an awesome service online, while Brenton and Ethan headed off to church.  When they got back, we had a great lunch and then relaxed the rest of the day.  Hoping to keep everyone healthy, but I know it's bound to hit sooner or later and I'm thankful we dodged the bullet this weekend.  I think Mr. Colin just had a sinus thing going on and after a few doses of meds, he's back at it...Anyway, not much else went on here at our house, but it was proven to me this weekend, why I need to get the boy's scrapbooks back up-to-date (I'm 8 mths behind & thank heavens for my online option), b/c we've enjoyed looking back at the past 4 years......

they loved looking at their books
(wish you could've heard the giggles)

This morning, while getting Ethan ready for church (I leave the room for a split second to get him some orange juice) and we hear a huge scream from his room......not from Ethan, but from Colin! See, Ethan, likes to push him around and then run off....well, this time he pushed Colin right into a chair.....Don't worry, he didn't get away with it, either!!! =)

Yep, my brother gave me this shiner (poor baby)

However, on a positive note, we were able to relax and chill out this afternoon, so we decided to have some fun w/ our games and Ethan got to pick tonight and he chose.......

Hungry Hungry Hippo 

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