Saturday, March 31, 2012


For those of you that know me, you know, that I absolutely love holiday's, birthday's, special occasions....truly, any reason to celebrate, I enjoy everything about it!  I love the smiles on our boy's faces every time they get something "special" for some reason =)  Brenton and I had a fun afternoon visiting w/ the "Easter Bunny" and getting the boys taken care, so that next weekend, is a fun one for them!  Tomorrow, we will start the week off celebrating and starting w/ the traditional egg coloring and then this year, we are going to start a new Easter tradition and we look forward in seeing how the boys react to that (I will post pics next week)! 

Friday, March 30, 2012


Not too much going on at our house these days, but the same ol'stuff, just different day =)  We have been keeping busy though, seems there's something to do every night and that's A-OK w/ us!  We enjoy our evening's and weekend's together so much and love being outside, its been so nice here lately, so we've been able to enjoy the "great outdoors" quite early this year.  On Wednesday, when I got home from work, we grabbed the kite and out the door we went.....we took the boys Ethan on his bike, Colin in his car, and Katee on her leash and we headed over to TCC parking lot.....It was so windy and we thought for sure that kite would just take off, but nope, it would go up a little then right back down....we kept trying though, but it just wasn't happening, too windy!  So, we took the other route and let the boys ride, well, Colin got pushed, but he loved it, giggled, and talked the entire time. Ethan, was having so much fun screaming his head off in the wind, as he peddled his heart out on his bike....unfortunately, for him though, he was going a little too fast and forgot to use his breaks and decided to just slide right off onto the concrete to stop.....that boy, I tell ya, but he got right back on and started going again. Thankfully, no scrapes or blood!  The nicest thing happened though, a few minutes later, a lady showed up w/ a wet washcloth and some ointment for him!  We didn't know her, but apparently she saw him go down from her back step and sure enough, we were introduced to another of our neighbors from down the road.  I absolutely love our neighbors, every one of them!  They are all unique and have their own way of doing things, but overall, a great group of people to be neighbors with.  The ones that live right next to us (both sides), are the best, they let our boys run/play/explore in their yards w/o any negative statements, bur rather a "we enjoy watching your boys play"!!!  This house, we are in right now, was never one we wanted to stay in for the long haul, but as we brought another child into it, it sure has and is now our "home" that we are not wanting to leave anytime soon and the atmosphere around us, plays a key role!  One day though, we hope to build our "dream" home, but until that day comes our home is right where we are. 
Daddy trying really hard to get the kite up and Ethan off to the side riding away
Home is wherever these guys are!!!

 Colin loves our neighbor Bob's yard, his deck, the grass,
and loves to run over there.....Bob loves it!!!

 Love our garage, b/c it's universal, and turns quickly into a play area =)

The wooded area behind our house....the boys love to explore there

Ethan loves the patio area  

Katee is at home on the deck =)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fun Saturday

Everyday, as I watch our boys, I'm reminded how life has changed since we had them.....before, it was about the career, the clothes, the fun, and now our lives are still filled w/ fun, but everything else has changed!  I can't imagine what life would be like w/o these 2 little angels we've been blessed with, so different from each other, yet I often ask myself "why would we want it any different"?  These 2 have brought so much joy into our lives and bonded Brenton and I in a different way.  They have helped us to mature and need each other in a different way, each and every day! Brenton is a wonderful 'Daddy' and our boys are blessed to have him. Ethan, is full of life and enjoys being outside, playing Spiderman, is a great big brother, loving and such a helper!  Colin, is our rambunctious little guy and keeps us on our toes every day....he is a picky eater, our cuddle bug, loves being outside, water, and our bookworm....  They are total boy, enjoy all the things boys do, and yesterday Colin proved that point 100%.....he found a mud puddle (Daddy was supposed to be watching him ☻) and loved every minute of it!  All I could do was smile when I finally got to see him....As I watched him, I just kept thinking he had this huge play area outside, but somehow found his way over to the puddles and you couldn't even see them from where we were; however, he found them =)
Pure boy this one.....not a care in the world!

While we were in Mansfield, celebrating our nephew's 2nd birthday, we decided that we wanted to see the Mansfield Reformatory.  Well, after the party, we headed out and found it.  Brenton was quite the daredevil and thought we'd be able to go closer and I said to him, that's 'staff' area and he went anyway.....Needless to say, we got blocked in the area where we were and were told to leave 'state' property....LOL  Thank goodness the jerk (who was just doing his job) let us just leave w/o any major fuss =)  However, it was so worth it and being able to see the 'pen' where Andy and Red were housed at was pretty neat..... =)
I can just see Andy in the courtyard getting rid of the dirt 

Mansfield Reformatory

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Love to Scrap!!!!

This weekend I got the opportunity to spend the day w/ my scrap 'girl'friends and have I ever mentioned how much I love these ladies, plus scrapping????  What a fun day it always is to spend the time w/ them looking at pictures of their families, talking, eating, and realizing at that last hour (of a 12 hour day) that the day flew by!  I love being able to put our memories down on paper that will last over the years, in our house, these books mean a great deal and I hope to be able to hand them down one day!  Our boys really enjoy looking at their books and the giggles, are priceless!  Brenton, finally, understood why it was so important to me to have these books and to spend the time to do them, when he saw first hand 'both' boys taking the books, putting them on the floor, and turning from page to page looking at themselves...LOL  I, was one of those people, who didn't understand scrapping.....before I became a mother!  After that moment in my life, it was so important to me to make our memories last and now that I'm 5 years into it, I'm getting better.  Yes, I use outside inspiration from the "experts", to get my creativity flowing, but every single scrapper I know, does the same thing and for that, I'm no longer intimidated by the blank page that stares at me in the beginning of every new page =)  Anyway, yesterday, was a great day and I met a few new ladies and now we are planning on the next scrap day!!! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yay for the Outdoors!!!!

We've been enjoying this nice weather here at the Shroyer house and today was no exception......The boys love to be outside, so after I got the cleaning done this morning, we headed out for some outdoor fun.  They had a ball!  I love to watch them explore, imagine, and just plain enjoy the outdoors....They are pure boy, these 2 of ours, but yet they are so different at how they go about it!  Ethan is all about dirt/worms/playing pirates, while Colin is more about exploring the grounds, finding a new entry from the neighbors yard through the bushes, and running from tree to tree!  I love watching them, b/c they are so unique and it makes my heart smile!  As they each do their own thing, one place brings them back together and that's their clubhouse on their swing set.  That place is where I catch the two of them playing together, laughing together, and talking to each other!  I love hearing it and its obvious that these 2 little guys are the best of buddies!!!  Even though, winter wasn't so bad this year, we are still ready for some warm weather and the great outdoors......Spring is here and it feels great!!!

Love being outside

Dirt + Worms = Happy Boy

Friday, March 9, 2012


For so long, I 'wished' my life could be a tad relationship w/ my husband, perfect! My boys, healthy & happy, and our life as a whole was/is great!  I had one little area that was driving me banana's, but I didn't know what to do about it.....a job!!!!  I decided, after a 4-year stint, in the fast-paced career world that I didn't want that for my life and was given an opportunity to go and work at home for a software company.  I knew I had to take the opportunity, b/c in 2005, Brenton and I were back together, planning our new marriage and I knew I didn't want to be in a career oriented facility....So, I changed jobs and went to work from home!  I did that until 2011 and was so ready for the change.  As grateful as I was for the opportunity, it just wasn't me.  It was great, as a fairly new mother, being able to be home and if needed, I was right there; however, I still needed a sitter.  That was a blessing in disguise, b/c I was able to "let the leash" go a little bit and start trusting other people, besides family, with our boys!  It took us a little while, had another great candidate, but we found the sitter that "fit" our family, "loved" our boys, and was "convenient" with our work schedules.  So that new step helped us as we started to make some changes......resumes out the door and goals trying to be met!  My husband, couldn't wait until I found what I was looking for, b/c he was so tired of hearing me complain about it.....I prayed really hard last March, hoping something would come my way, a few Sunday's went by, and wouldn't you know I ran into an old high school friend at church...well, that friend, is now my boss =)  It's so funny how things work out, but that Sunday changed my life and now, I'm doing exactly what I should be doing.  It's a small company, family oriented, I work part-time (W-F), and I'm working w/ people again.....pure heaven!!!  I didn't realize how much I needed this, but having an awesome sitter in place sure helps me relax and do what I need to do these 3 days.  One of the best things about this job, I found out yesterday....I was able to go pick up my son and take him home, b/c he was sick!  That was a huge relief, knowing that I had a responsibility w/ my son and my boss understanding!!!!  As I was sitting in a quiet house last night, I realized and thanked God for, my life is finally exactly where I want it to be....nothing is missing and the feeling of "complete" is such a good one.....Now, to keep on truckin!!!!  LOL

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ethan's offically 5!!!

On this very day, 5 years ago, Brenton and I became parents together. That day, was such a crazy one! We had to be at the hospital by 6 am to get the process started and what a process it was; however, our first born son, Ethan, made his presence into the world via c-section at 5:05 pm that day, weighing in at 8lbs & 20 3/4" long, a handsome little guy he was, and he melted our hearts at his very first cry!!!  I don't think I've ever cried such tears of joy like that before in my life, at that moment....hearing my son and finally seeing him, was breathtaking!  Brenton and I were bonded in a new way and we were so excited to get our little guy home, so we could start our life together with our brand new baby boy......Now, I'm sitting here typing this watching him play King Kong and I'm smiling, b/c he's been such a joy to watch grow, thus far!  I've loved every stage we've been through and I look forward to many more......Ethan is bright, fun, an awesome big brother, pleasant, loves God, our social butterfly, funny, a hard-worker, loves his whole family (both sides), and keeps us on our toes!  He's been so much fun these past 5 years and has truly shown us the importance of life.  Our lives changed that day we were given this healthy baby boy to enjoy, love, teach, make memories with, and we have enjoyed every step of the way with him!  So, it's hard for me to wrap my hands around him being 5 years old already, how can that be???  This little boy of ours is so excited to be 5 and holding up 1 whole hand, so with that, I'm smiling and realizing that life is moving forward pretty quickly and so we will continue to take each moment and live it to its fullest..

Our little blessing has arrived
our chunky monkey 1 mth old
Today, I also started something new and that is what we are calling "Birthday Questions" 20 questions that I will ask every year to see how they change....I'm a scrapbooker, so they will go in their books and we can look back on them over the years.  With doing this, I'm sure it'll bring a lot of laughter looking back on these =)

Ethan's 5 year questions

So, after Daddy got home, we had a little surprise for Ethan.  We had left over cake, that I made special with a Spiderman candle (pretty simple, but he loved it), had a few more presents, and pizza his request for dinner.  We absolutely love birthday's in this house, and we look forward to celebrating many more birthday's w/ Ethan!!! =)

Daddy surprised him w/ his favorite treat...Red Icecream

he loves bandaids

he wanted this dentist Play Doh, look at that smile

his final blow of candles....what a fun week!

loved his Spiderman candle


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Another party for the big #5

Today, we had a fun afternoon w/ my family to celebrate Ethan's 5th birthday.....he got alot of awesome gifts and kept saying "just what I needed" at everything he opened =) He had so much fun and I loved watching him get so excited..... ;)  In this house, birthday's are a big deal, and I'm finding as our boys get older they are enjoying all the festivities that we do.....Ethan's thing right now, is The Incredible Hulk, King Kong, and Spiderman and that's exactly what he got!!!  Tomorrow is his actual birthday, so we'll have yet another little party with just us here at home....He gets a few more gifts, so his week long celebration is slowly coming to an end, but what fun we've had....I'm just in shock that my first born is going to be 5!!!!!
Birthday Boy ready for his party

love my balloons

Daddy and Ethan

OH boy, his favorite

making his wish come true

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pee Pee in the Potty.....not yet!!!!

Man, potty training has started at our house and much to my chagrin, it's going pretty much like Ethan's did.....I was hoping for a little better, but I guess we'll just have to continue to work on it.  As Ethan did, Colin will remove his underwear, and go on the floor....avoiding the potty as much as he can!  I time myself and try every 20 minutes to sit him on the potty and we sing, read books, play balls, etc and nothing is working.  The first couple of times it was great, he'd sit (well, he still sits) and tinkle, so I figured he understood what he was supposed to do, but apparently not!  Ethan, was almost 3 1/2 before he was fully trained, so I guess I have that going for me =)  LOL  It's like I sit him on the potty and try to keep him entertained, but no go....then the minute he gets off, it's like he's running for the nearest corner to pee in....I'm going to lose my mind, I think =)  As much as I love being a mother, I have to admit and say I hate potty training.....once we get over this hurdle, I know I'll breath a huge sigh of relief =)