Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yay for the Outdoors!!!!

We've been enjoying this nice weather here at the Shroyer house and today was no exception......The boys love to be outside, so after I got the cleaning done this morning, we headed out for some outdoor fun.  They had a ball!  I love to watch them explore, imagine, and just plain enjoy the outdoors....They are pure boy, these 2 of ours, but yet they are so different at how they go about it!  Ethan is all about dirt/worms/playing pirates, while Colin is more about exploring the grounds, finding a new entry from the neighbors yard through the bushes, and running from tree to tree!  I love watching them, b/c they are so unique and it makes my heart smile!  As they each do their own thing, one place brings them back together and that's their clubhouse on their swing set.  That place is where I catch the two of them playing together, laughing together, and talking to each other!  I love hearing it and its obvious that these 2 little guys are the best of buddies!!!  Even though, winter wasn't so bad this year, we are still ready for some warm weather and the great outdoors......Spring is here and it feels great!!!

Love being outside

Dirt + Worms = Happy Boy

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