Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day weekend!!

What a great weekend......Started out helping Brenton's brother move to their new home in Mt. Vernon, so on our way to/from, we discovered some new canoeing and camping sites we'd like to check out this year.  We've decided that this year we will not be heading to FL in November, so we are going to be able to enjoy our summer w/ a few small trips and our local area.  I'm super excited about it all and really am looking forward to this summer.  So, while we were in Mt. Vernon, Brenton wanted to stop at their Wal-Mart to take a look at my Mother's Day gift he wanted to get and I was so excited.....I've wanted these for quite some time and now, we can go for rides as a family......

perfect Mother's Day gift
On Sunday, was Mother's Day, and my husband had a perfect morning set.  After he got home from working at the CC he started cooking breakfast and had the boys give me cards......What a great morning.....I just loves these 3 to pieces =)
my guys on Mother's Day.....Love them!!!!

my handsome hubby making me breakfast

We spent the afternoon with my mom and had dinner, coffee, gifts, flower planting, etc.....It truly was a great day and I love having time with family!!!  

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