Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Left Brain!!!

So, last week was a mental health week from hell for me. I struggled so much trying to figure out what I needed to do to help Colin?  I had been listening too intently to what the medical field, friends, well in general, other people about MY son and it felt like everything they were saying was well, some true, but when I sat down to really take a good hard look, medically speaking, the answer always came back to "I don't think so"!  Anyway, Colin was supposed to go for a hearing test on Monday, July 23rd, but on Friday, we decided that we weren't going to do it.  Reason being, is so many things happened that week and one incident in particular was an airplane!  Colin, was standing in our hallway, now mind you all the doors & windows were closed, but he heard the plane outside, up in the sky, and he ran to  the door to try to find it.  Really?  I was shocked, but my sweet boy, heard it and knew exactly where it was coming from.  We yell his name, no matter where he is, and he comes running!  So, he we decided to atleast postpone the test and I took my husband's advice...."give him more time"!!!!  Well, let me just say this, Saturday morning I was a mess....I was crying like a big ol'baby not sure we made the right, I prayed and I prayed hard!  Well, something told me I needed to finish the book that I had been putting off.....something told me that I needed to get up and go grab the book and don't stop reading.....that something...GOD!!  I tell you what, he sure knew what I needed and the exact moment I needed it, b/c all the answers I needed were there!  I took the test, read, and read some more until I had 8 chapters read and the book was done.  I learned so much in those last 8 chapters and finally know what we are dealing with with Colin....he's Left Brain Deficient!!  Yep, that means he's right brain advantage, and the long and short of it is he just needs more time....Yes, there are going to be struggles, especially in school and we will cross those bridges when they come.  However, this book as changed my whole approach to dealing and teching Colin....and, that sweet boy of ours is finally receptive!  WOW, what a difference already in just the few short days we've been doing things different....He's going to be stubborn, hard to motivate him, b/c he's just going to do it when he feels like doing it!!!  He's speaking more and more words yesterday in particular we heard: Daddy, ellow (yellow), ed (red), danka you (thank you), bye, see you later, wa wa (water) and that was just 1 day!  It's amazing how different I feel, b/c I was feeling so lost trying to put into place all these things I was being told.  I knew Colin was backward, and seeing him with other children, you see it more and I knew in my heart something was wrong, but just not sure what?  After talking to a teacher, she recommended I read the book Disconnected Kids and boy, what a difference.  I can't wait to read the next one, Reconnnected Kids and see how we can help Colin further along in life, b/c I just have a feeling once we reach school it might be different then??  LOL  It feels good to educate myself and see in real life that the black and white print, is truly speaking about my son.  I was flabergasceted at the stuff I was reading, b/c it fits Colin to a T =)  Praise the Lord and he never fails!  I'm still not sure why I think I can do it all on my own all the time, I quickly realize that I can't, so I let God!!!!

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