Friday, January 4, 2013

Hello 2013!!!

We had 1 more "event", if you will, during Ethan's break and that was New Year's!  We are low-key people, so we decided it would be best to just stay home and have our own "little" party!  Colin was still getting over his bug that he had that weekend, so we nixed all other plans, and just stayed home....I'm so glad we did, it was a great evening!  That morning, Ethan and I got up and needed to get his hair cut and new school shoes.....We first had to take a stop at the hospital to pick my dad up, b/c he was in that day with chest pain and Ethan would not allow him to sit and wait there for my mom to get him =)  I think, by the look on my dad's face, it was a nice surprise and he was happy to see us...most importantly, Ethan!  It ended up not being anything major, but they got his blood pressure down and he was able to head home!  As life continues on, I realize that my parents are getting older and not invincible, the reality is...time is now not on our side and everyday is a gift (and that makes so much sense to me now).....I love my family, each and every person from both sides, but of course my parents will hold a special place in my heart, forever!!!  I've gained a new respect for my dad, since our issue w/ Colin's sitter and the value of family is PRICELESS!!!  Anyway, all is good and now we continue on. =)

After we got dad to my mom, they went home and we headed to the mall.....I swear Ethan has grown tremendously over the past few months and getting new shoes proved it!!  We had to get him 2 sizes bigger....2 SIZES!!!  Just in August, he needed a 12 and now, he measured for a 1!!!  I mean truly he has eaten us out of our house and I was getting worried, but now I realize, he's hitting another growth spurt....Sure do love that boy and he was so excited for his new kicks =)  Once he played for a bit at the mall, we headed back home to get Daddy & Colin, then off to Walnut Creek Cheese we went to get some food for the evening.  Of course, we had to have pork & sauerkraut, so he got that and a few other things to enjoy the whole back home to enjoy our new movies Avengers and Ice Age!  It was a great day and great end to a stressful year!  We are so ready for 2013 and looking forward to all it has in store...Happy New Year!!!

New Years Fun

Happy New Year

Little Man couldn't wait 10 more mins..... =)

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