Thursday, January 10, 2013

Yay, Ethan!!!

You know that saying "Hard Work Pays Off"???  Well, I'm here to tell you it sure does!  Ethan brought home his 2nd progress report of the year and let me tell you, he did GREAT!  He got all satisfactory and 3 progressing, which is a major improvement from his 1st 9 weeks.  He got 26 out of 26 on his letter writing (large and small letters), knows all of their sounds, BUT the one thing I am most proud of are his sight words.....Now, remember, we didn't send him to Pre-K, but he got some informal training at our sitter, so this year we had no clue what to expect, so our Ethan is sure making us proud.  We have worked on those dang sight words everyday, yes every single day and I knew he would be tested at the end of this month.  We were striving for 30, b/c that's what Ms. Bowden told us he had to have by end of January, so I'm happy to report that as of last Friday (yes, that was the 1st Friday of January) he got 35 out of 60 correct....ABOVE GOAL, YAY!!!  He is working hard and learning so much everyday and reading, oh yea the boy can read, too!  We are so very proud of him and he's looking forward to tomorrow.  Tomorrow, he gets to go get a reward for all of his hard work and he wants a Spiderman Wii game!  As much grief as he has given me this past month about going to school, I am happy to report that this week NO TEARS, as well!  So, I'm going to be happy to purchase that game tomorrow and our big boy is learning that rewards come to those who deserve them!

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