Monday, March 31, 2014

The Right Track!!!

What a fun weekend we had! It was busy, but it was a good one.  We did have a little mishap, but we bounced back and just had to change plans. I swear I need to slow down, but haven't quite figured out how to do that?!?!  Anyway, let me get back to our weekend, hahaha! Our Colin, absolutely loves the PBS channel and I mean loves it.  All of our electronic gadgets have the PBS app on them for him, but unfortunately he's not a big fan of events, so we've always been hesitant to get him to real live shows.  Well, we were given the opportunity to have 4 tickets to Sesame Street Live this past weekend and although I was hesitant, I knew I had to accept them.  So, we had planned to make the 4pm showing on Saturday.....we had the afternoon mapped out with first getting the kids ready, had to stop to get gas, and finally get them something to eat all before show time....BUT on our way to the gas station I read the paper giving instructions and there was no 4pm showing was 4:30pm on Sunday.  UGH!!!!  My fault, I read the dang thing wrong, so back home we went.  Anyway, it worked out great, because we had such a fun time last night at Canton Civic Center watching Elmo and his gang on Sesame Street.  Colin did great, too!  We did decide to move though, because he was getting too overwhelmed with all the people around us, so I walked down to the usher and asked if we could sit by ourselves in a section just off to the right of our seats....after we got the OK, he felt more comfortable and the fun began!!!  He was up dancing and singing, while Ethan enjoyed the show (for his brother's sake mostly) he did get his favorites that included a SnoKone, cotton candy, nachos, and a balloon. What a great big brother he is!!!! Overall, I'm so glad we went! We had a really great family night!!!!

on our way to Sesame Street
Family Fun
Elmo's World

See that balloon in the above picture....well, that thing was $15. Those of you who are wondering, his Daddy bought that balloon, too! LOL!! Anyway, Brenton and I made sure that both boys understood that getting it home and keeping it in the house was very important, b/c it was so windy I knew if it would blow away we'd have a crisis on our hands.  Well, we made it to the car and in the house in tact.   However, a couple of hours later, a certain little boy who let balloons go for Dr. Seuss' birthday earlier in the month, waited until no one was looking and out the back door he went with that thing.  I heard him giggling and jumping, so when I went out to see what he was doing he was saying "Bye" and "See Ya Later" as he was looking up in the sky and that's when I saw it....Elmo and Cookie Monster floating away!  OMG, I just stared at the thing and how stupid my thought, b/c I was actually thinking how am I going to get that thing back, LOL!  Uh, I wasn't, it was gone and I had a really happy 4 year old little boy watching it as it got higher and higher.  He is so funny these days and I couldn't get upset, b/c I knew he remembered those balloons from school and he was reliving that event.  So, I just played it off and went about our evening.  Thank goodness Ethan hasn't even mentioned it, so hopefully that continues. =)

Another thing we did yesterday, was got Colin back to equestrian therapy.  Its been such a bad winter that we decided early to not push it, until Spring.  So, we knew March would be our "back at it" month, even this month has been so cold; however, we decided along with his therapist, to get him back on a horse yesterday.  Would you believe that boy never missed a beat!!!  His therapist hasn't seen him since November, but her words were so refreshing when she said this, "I see such a big difference in him, he's so verbal, his eye contact is good, and his expression is great"!  I see it too, but hearing it from a professional was such a reassurance that this journey is going to be ok.  Brenton and I are trying our best at this and learning so much as we go, so yesterday was such a great feeling knowing he's on the right track. He was even introduced to a new horse named Chaps (Rose is preggers and needs to rest) and still it never even bothered him one bit....instead, he got right up there and showed us his stuff!!! Sure do love that boy of mine!!!

our cowboy at it again

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

It's Time!!!!

Not sure why today, but for some reason I got hit with an overwhelming feeling that my boys are growing up too quickly.  I know this is life, things change, and keep moving forward, but wow I am so missing my "baby" boy's!  Looking back, through pictures in their scrapbooks, life was simple!  At the time, the word "simple" wouldn't have been what I would've used to describe it, but now that I'm on the flip side, it was!  I was always told, "get the boys in school and life will get easy very quickly" really?  I'm still waiting on the easy, because I feel, more than ever, that now life is much more complicated and will continue to be.  Now, I say that very loosely, b/c I don't want you to think I'm not enjoying these moments or loving that life is where it is....I do, very much, but "easy" is not the word I'd use to describe life at this given moment,since school is now a reality for us.  Honestly, I feel it is harder!  I've chosen to be a part-time, working mother and I love my job, every bit of it, but it's not a matter of just getting up, get ready, grab something for lunch, and out the door I go.....NOPE, it's all of that, plus making sure my boys are ready & prepared for their day, as well!  I used to think I had it all under control, but now that we have embraced this change that now includes school in their daily routine, my life has changed so much.  I'm not good at trusting people, maybe b/c I've been burned so many times, but I truly hate that I'm forced to trust the outside world, professionals that claim to know how to help, or the fact that now I'm being picked apart as a parent (or so it seems) due to my little guy needing the help he needs to thrive.  I'm trying my hardest to have all the pieces of the puzzle fit together, at the expense of myself, but if truth be told I feel like I've been hit with a mack truck some days.  I don't have the time to take care of myself the way I'd like to these days.  I used to be a size that was considered attractive, now that is a dream.  I used to have a daily planner that would always be in blue ink, now I have to do everything in pencil, b/c things change so quickly.  I used to be able to go to work and work, get my responsibilities done w/o any distractions, now I'm lucky to only get 1 call or 1 text, b/c my boys are at the hands of family members who have questions.  I used to be able to go out to dinner w/ my husband or heck, go to bed and get 8 hours of sleep, now I'm lucky to get 4. Is it crazy to say that all of that, is what I love?  I love being a wife, a mother, an employee and having the peace of knowing that yes, life is crazy....but a GOOD crazy!  For the most part, we are all healthy and can get up and go about our daily lives.  I get the pleasure of knowing that my boys are well taken care of and that no matter what, I'm there.  I have a wonderful partner in this life that I adore and knowing that he is 100% in love with me, is a wonderful feeling.  He has created a life for us that I don't have to worry about much, truly I don't, but I do!  I pray a lot about that and I know that God is working in me, b/c I'm learning to find the "simple" things in this life and embrace those moments for everything they are worth.  God blessed us with an autistic son for a reason and the more I go about this life, I know why!  Colin, is my saving grace...the one to show me how to live in the now, the one to show me patience, the one to show me that trusting my gut is absolutely worth it, and the one to show me that it's not about the words that come out of your mouth, but rather your actions!  This little boy has given me so much and "trusting" is something I'm developing, it's through him that I see his growth and know that with me letting go a bit, he's able to spread his wings....that is an amazing feeling!!!!  This wasn't in my plan, but so glad God trusted me enough to show me I'm strong enough to live it and make the changes I need in myself to accept what I'm not in control of.  My boys, are my world!  I watch them and even though they are not babies anymore, I do see that they are growing up and enjoying what comes their way.  I'm sad that it's going by so quickly, but I can truly say I've enjoyed every moment, some hard, some easy, some redundant, but overall we've gotten to this point as a family. I'm proud of that!!!!  This morning, as I watched my boys head to the car, both with their backpacks on, ready for their day to unfold, and full of joy my heart filled with warmth, as my eyes filled with tears, and for some reason it hit me that there will be a day when my days will no longer be hectic and these two little blessings will no longer need me!!!!!  It's awesome how in these moments God is showing me things, b/c I've been going a mile a minute these past few months and I hit a moment of frustration last night, so this morning I heard it loud and clear from the big man's time to slow down!!!! ;)

off they go!!!

Monday, March 17, 2014


Its been a few weeks, since I had time to sit down and blog.  Sorry!  Life is just getting crazy again, so wanted to make sure to get a post in and let you know how things have been going here at our house.  In all honesty, there's really nothing major to report....we are still here, healthy & happy! LOL!!  I do have a great accomplishment to tell you though and that is Colin, is now fully potty trained and that means night time, too!  Would you believe I was so concerned w/ getting day time accomplished, but now I sit here with both done and that has me smiling from ear to ear.  This was a thing that many people told us not to push, b/c autistic children have a really hard time accomplishing it.  Well, we did it and Colin has accomplished a task that many on the spectrum have not....we are so very proud of him!

all smiles 3 weeks dry
Brenton and Ethan have baseball starting soon.  Practices will be starting this week and since Brenton has decided to coach, he has meeting's and courses he has to complete.  I'm not too sure how this will go, but Ethan is wanting to play, so we are giving him the opportunity to see how he likes it.  He's on a young team, so I'm hoping that helps him to learn at his pace and enjoy the game for what it's worth.  Baseball is the thing here, so they start them young and the parents get into it very much...that's what scares me, but we'll do it and see how it goes.?!

A few weeks ago, Brenton hit a deer and the insurance company totaled his, that had us on a hunt for another vehicle for him.  OMG, for those of you that know my husband, know that he isn't much for spending money and his car (even though it was a hunk of junk) was something that he would've drove until the wheels fell off.  It was terrible and I was so glad he was "forced" to get something new.  However, with that being said, it has taken him over 2 weeks, 20 car lots, more grey hair for his wife, and a road trip to PA to finally find something he liked.  Me, I'm glad he was able to take the time and get exactly what he wanted, but truly, I'm so very glad that hunt is over.  I love my husband, but I hate shopping for cars with him.  I do not go in the building with him, once he finds what he wants, because he is so embarrassing!   The positive, because I stay away, we seem to always walk away with what he want and where we want to be financially.  Overall, we did have a fun day in PA on Saturday and seeing how excited our boys got over a truck was pretty cute.  Ethan, loved it and when we got back home, he enjoyed making it his own ;)

Anyway, we've been having a busy couple of weeks, but really nothing major going on...just living life one day at a time and trying our best to keep things simple.  Here are a few pics from our last few weeks of winter....Spring, is almost here!  YAY!!!!

pressing his luck
pretending to be Batman Gotham Asylum
hey mom, look what I learned
thrilled to be grocery shopping w/ Daddy ;)
Finally, today is St. Patrick's Day and we had a fun morning before school =)
My Good Luck Charms

Friday, March 7, 2014

Birthday Fun!!!!

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I have a 7 year old now!!! Holy cow, where did the time go????  From the moment I found out I was pregnant, he has changed my life.  I have loved every minute of being his "mommy" and each year brings so much joy as I watch him grow.  He is such a sweet boy and I mean that truly.....I always say his heart is bigger than his head, because he loves everybody and would do anything for them, regardless what that means for him.  Yes, I know this quality will also hurt him a few times in the years ahead. :/  I believe he'll have a work ethic like his daddy, because as of now, we have 3 offices at our house for him to work, teach his students, meet with patients, or whatever he decides to be that particular day.  I now know why God gave me him first and that is because he is a wonderful "big" brother and that he'll watch after Colin for the rest of their lives.  His ability to walk into a room and make everyone smile, is priceless!  I love how he knows that a simple note saying "I love you Mommy" or "I love my family" brightens my day and I have every one of them, since he began to write.  I love his tendency to be clumsy and laugh at himself, because everything is always an "accident"!  His ability to learn and know how important school is, so he can grow up to be whatever he chooses to be!  This boy, that God gave to me, has sure blessed my life and I'm so truly grateful that I'm his Mom!   March 5th, 2007, will forever be embedded in my brain, because on that day at 5:05 pm my sweet, baby boy, Ethan Michael Shroyer graced us with his presence!  Now, here I sit 7 years later remembering that day that I thought would never took 41 weeks till I met him and now, it's just a memory!  I hate that time is moving so fast, but I will say that I learned very quickly to enjoy and embrace every moment!  As I started thinking about his birthday and planning things, back in January, it hit me that he's no longer that infant, that toddler, but now a little boy!  A boy that I am so very proud of and as he grows, I hope that he knows how much I adore him!

Wednesday night, we celebrated with family at our house and he chose a Ninja Turtle theme, so I worked all day getting our house "Turtlefied" for his small party. My sister made him the cutest TMNT cookies for his class, so he was able to enjoy his birthday at school with his classmates, as well. To be 100% honest, we had no intentions of having a party this year only because we had decided to put his birthday budget money towards his gift, he asked for a laptop, so the funds quickly depleted! LOL!!  Thank goodness our niece had a party a few weeks ago, because that's when he told me that he wanted to be able to celebrate with his cousins, sing Happy Birthday, and have his family there and when I said, "Oh, you want a party" his reply was "yes, that's what I want most to have my family together and sing the birthday song" and with that I had a week and a half to get a party planned. Now, that the evening is behind us, I have to say it truly was a great celebration.  He received great gifts from everyone that included an iPod 5, clothes, TMNT stuff, office supplies, money, minutes for his phone, tickets for a pizza party with the real TMNT's on vacation this year,  and of course his laptop!  Ethan had the "best day ever" celebrating his 7th birthday and I felt good knowing that Brenton and I made all his wishes come true.

morning surprise!!!
Colin singing "Happy Bur-day"
All ready to head to school @ 7 years old now
yummy treats for his class
he wanted balloons...LOL  
Birthday Fun
The cake he picked out for Aunt Clorissa to make
fighting the bad guys!
he got his very own laptop
he was thrilled w/ everything he got =) 
loved this played Kung Fu Fighting
Happy Birthday to you....
all for this smile...mission accomplished!