Monday, March 31, 2014

The Right Track!!!

What a fun weekend we had! It was busy, but it was a good one.  We did have a little mishap, but we bounced back and just had to change plans. I swear I need to slow down, but haven't quite figured out how to do that?!?!  Anyway, let me get back to our weekend, hahaha! Our Colin, absolutely loves the PBS channel and I mean loves it.  All of our electronic gadgets have the PBS app on them for him, but unfortunately he's not a big fan of events, so we've always been hesitant to get him to real live shows.  Well, we were given the opportunity to have 4 tickets to Sesame Street Live this past weekend and although I was hesitant, I knew I had to accept them.  So, we had planned to make the 4pm showing on Saturday.....we had the afternoon mapped out with first getting the kids ready, had to stop to get gas, and finally get them something to eat all before show time....BUT on our way to the gas station I read the paper giving instructions and there was no 4pm showing was 4:30pm on Sunday.  UGH!!!!  My fault, I read the dang thing wrong, so back home we went.  Anyway, it worked out great, because we had such a fun time last night at Canton Civic Center watching Elmo and his gang on Sesame Street.  Colin did great, too!  We did decide to move though, because he was getting too overwhelmed with all the people around us, so I walked down to the usher and asked if we could sit by ourselves in a section just off to the right of our seats....after we got the OK, he felt more comfortable and the fun began!!!  He was up dancing and singing, while Ethan enjoyed the show (for his brother's sake mostly) he did get his favorites that included a SnoKone, cotton candy, nachos, and a balloon. What a great big brother he is!!!! Overall, I'm so glad we went! We had a really great family night!!!!

on our way to Sesame Street
Family Fun
Elmo's World

See that balloon in the above picture....well, that thing was $15. Those of you who are wondering, his Daddy bought that balloon, too! LOL!! Anyway, Brenton and I made sure that both boys understood that getting it home and keeping it in the house was very important, b/c it was so windy I knew if it would blow away we'd have a crisis on our hands.  Well, we made it to the car and in the house in tact.   However, a couple of hours later, a certain little boy who let balloons go for Dr. Seuss' birthday earlier in the month, waited until no one was looking and out the back door he went with that thing.  I heard him giggling and jumping, so when I went out to see what he was doing he was saying "Bye" and "See Ya Later" as he was looking up in the sky and that's when I saw it....Elmo and Cookie Monster floating away!  OMG, I just stared at the thing and how stupid my thought, b/c I was actually thinking how am I going to get that thing back, LOL!  Uh, I wasn't, it was gone and I had a really happy 4 year old little boy watching it as it got higher and higher.  He is so funny these days and I couldn't get upset, b/c I knew he remembered those balloons from school and he was reliving that event.  So, I just played it off and went about our evening.  Thank goodness Ethan hasn't even mentioned it, so hopefully that continues. =)

Another thing we did yesterday, was got Colin back to equestrian therapy.  Its been such a bad winter that we decided early to not push it, until Spring.  So, we knew March would be our "back at it" month, even this month has been so cold; however, we decided along with his therapist, to get him back on a horse yesterday.  Would you believe that boy never missed a beat!!!  His therapist hasn't seen him since November, but her words were so refreshing when she said this, "I see such a big difference in him, he's so verbal, his eye contact is good, and his expression is great"!  I see it too, but hearing it from a professional was such a reassurance that this journey is going to be ok.  Brenton and I are trying our best at this and learning so much as we go, so yesterday was such a great feeling knowing he's on the right track. He was even introduced to a new horse named Chaps (Rose is preggers and needs to rest) and still it never even bothered him one bit....instead, he got right up there and showed us his stuff!!! Sure do love that boy of mine!!!

our cowboy at it again

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