Friday, March 7, 2014

Birthday Fun!!!!

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I have a 7 year old now!!! Holy cow, where did the time go????  From the moment I found out I was pregnant, he has changed my life.  I have loved every minute of being his "mommy" and each year brings so much joy as I watch him grow.  He is such a sweet boy and I mean that truly.....I always say his heart is bigger than his head, because he loves everybody and would do anything for them, regardless what that means for him.  Yes, I know this quality will also hurt him a few times in the years ahead. :/  I believe he'll have a work ethic like his daddy, because as of now, we have 3 offices at our house for him to work, teach his students, meet with patients, or whatever he decides to be that particular day.  I now know why God gave me him first and that is because he is a wonderful "big" brother and that he'll watch after Colin for the rest of their lives.  His ability to walk into a room and make everyone smile, is priceless!  I love how he knows that a simple note saying "I love you Mommy" or "I love my family" brightens my day and I have every one of them, since he began to write.  I love his tendency to be clumsy and laugh at himself, because everything is always an "accident"!  His ability to learn and know how important school is, so he can grow up to be whatever he chooses to be!  This boy, that God gave to me, has sure blessed my life and I'm so truly grateful that I'm his Mom!   March 5th, 2007, will forever be embedded in my brain, because on that day at 5:05 pm my sweet, baby boy, Ethan Michael Shroyer graced us with his presence!  Now, here I sit 7 years later remembering that day that I thought would never took 41 weeks till I met him and now, it's just a memory!  I hate that time is moving so fast, but I will say that I learned very quickly to enjoy and embrace every moment!  As I started thinking about his birthday and planning things, back in January, it hit me that he's no longer that infant, that toddler, but now a little boy!  A boy that I am so very proud of and as he grows, I hope that he knows how much I adore him!

Wednesday night, we celebrated with family at our house and he chose a Ninja Turtle theme, so I worked all day getting our house "Turtlefied" for his small party. My sister made him the cutest TMNT cookies for his class, so he was able to enjoy his birthday at school with his classmates, as well. To be 100% honest, we had no intentions of having a party this year only because we had decided to put his birthday budget money towards his gift, he asked for a laptop, so the funds quickly depleted! LOL!!  Thank goodness our niece had a party a few weeks ago, because that's when he told me that he wanted to be able to celebrate with his cousins, sing Happy Birthday, and have his family there and when I said, "Oh, you want a party" his reply was "yes, that's what I want most to have my family together and sing the birthday song" and with that I had a week and a half to get a party planned. Now, that the evening is behind us, I have to say it truly was a great celebration.  He received great gifts from everyone that included an iPod 5, clothes, TMNT stuff, office supplies, money, minutes for his phone, tickets for a pizza party with the real TMNT's on vacation this year,  and of course his laptop!  Ethan had the "best day ever" celebrating his 7th birthday and I felt good knowing that Brenton and I made all his wishes come true.

morning surprise!!!
Colin singing "Happy Bur-day"
All ready to head to school @ 7 years old now
yummy treats for his class
he wanted balloons...LOL  
Birthday Fun
The cake he picked out for Aunt Clorissa to make
fighting the bad guys!
he got his very own laptop
he was thrilled w/ everything he got =) 
loved this played Kung Fu Fighting
Happy Birthday to you....
all for this smile...mission accomplished!

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