Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014

This was the BEST Easter to date for us!  Ethan woke the house up at 5:43, but Daddy & Colin were stragglers and came down about 6:30ish.  By then, Ethan had found his Spiderman 2 costume and he was in full get up.  I heard him say while looking at his Easter stuff, "Wow, the Easter Bunny really knows me" LOL!!!  We got the biggest kick out of Colin, b/c he was really into it. When he came down the stairs, he found his basket right away and started looking at it, playing w/ his big red ball, and gave the biggest smile while he sat beside his stuff.  He's never really been into all the hype of the holiday, whichever one it may be at the time, but this past Christmas and now Easter, have been so fun.  The boys really enjoyed themselves and we enjoyed watching them.  Here are some pics from our day.....

Easter Bunny was here....
and he made our "magic jelly beans" bloom
Ethan's goodies
Colin's goodies
EB remembered Katee, too
so excited

he had the best morning
Katee enjoyed her treats
after the fun, we get serious and learn about Jesus w/ our Easter Story eggs
Fun at G&G Bardall's house

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