Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Bunny Prep!!!

What a fun filled Easter weekend we had this year!  We enjoyed it so much that on Sunday evening Brenton and I looked at each other and both said how sad we were that it was over.  It all started Friday evening coloring eggs!  I got home from work early, Brenton was already off for Good Friday, so he cooked the eggs and by the time I got home with food, we ate, and then started coloring.  Ethan, of course, loved everything about it and Colin, enjoyed about 2 eggs and he was done.  He cracks me up!!!  Overall, it was a good time and I'm enjoying them still today. LOL!!


Saturday morning, Brenton, his dad, and Ethan started on Colin's birthday gift bright & early.  We wanted to get him a play set of some sort and Brenton found one that he liked online, so the DIY mission began.  It's absolutely perfect and a great idea on daddy's part! It's still needing a few finishing touches, but for the most part on Saturday they got all the hard stuff done.  He's going to be so excited! 

After they were done for the day, the boys got showered and then it was time to prepare for the Easter Bunny.  We had an egg hunt out back, planted our magic jelly beans, and by 8pm the boys were out.  What a fun, yet exhausting day Saturday was!!!

Easter Bunny prep

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