Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blah....Nah, now REFRESHING!

Summer is in full swing here at our house and it pains me to think that truly, it's almost over!  I'm usually not one to enjoy summer so much, in all honesty, I could of bypassed the whole season and went directly to fall; however, my boys have changed that for me.  Now that we have them in our lives & the ages that they are, summer is so much fun.  I enjoy having them home and not having homework to worry about, man that helps make the evenings fun, as well.  Now, we are doing a few small things this summer to keep the knowledge flowing and Ethan starts a "Jump Start" program here in a few weeks, but until we have to start thinking about "school" we are enjoying the summer season and doing all the traditional things.  With all of that said, however, this summer has hit me kind of hard in a nostalgic feeling sort of way and for some reason, I'm really reminiscing and thinking a lot! I'm not sure what it is, but I think having this "full" summer here in Gnaden, a small town that reminds me of being a little girl in Freeport, is triggering some deep down memories.  I sit on the front porch and watch my boys play and something triggers me that takes me back 20+ years....we get on our bikes and ride around town and something triggers me, yet again.  I loved my childhood and have fond memories of it!  I miss my grandparents so much and think of them often and when I see my dad, mom, or Brenton's parents with my kids and how much my boys love them, I'm reminded how I felt and the memories that I have with mine. I also turned 35 this summer, so yet another reminder that I'm only getting older and life is moving so quickly.  So, this summer I've sat back more, breathed more, broke out of my comfort zone more, and truly am enjoying every moment that comes my way.  Having my boys sure has changed my life, as children are supposed to do, but I sit here looking out my kitchen window and a picture of my boys that sits on the windowsill catches my eye and reminds me that these little blessings truly have saved me, changed my perspective of life, and given me the ability to enjoy a season that I would've much rather hit the fast forward button on.  Now, I see that summer is the time that rejuvenates my family and brightens our lives and I no longer look at it as a season of blah, but rather a time for refreshing our soul! My memories that I will forever hold in my heart help me to keep moving forward, to give my boys the opportunity to enjoy their childhood, and to make memories that they too can look back on one day and remember this very time in our lives. This is the very reason why I scrapbook...to hold onto these memories and hope that one day when my boys look at the pictures, they will bring them back to this very life that we are living at this moment and trigger for them the feelings that I'm feeling right now?!?! ♥

Some pics from our lives at this moment! 
a boy and his trampoline
Grandma is loving the attention
gotta wear shades
HOF Balloon Classic Fun
our garden is growing
my morning ritual = kiss & "hello" right in my face ♥
best part of the morning when working w/ Daddy
his brand new bike and of course it had to be green
simple summer
summer of dino's for this one
doing what boys do
"uh Mom, is it supposed to grow this way"

Lake fun w/ Grandpa
conquered his haircut w/ Grandma
Ice Cream truck = perfect summer treat
making sure his brother is ok while at speech
brothers ♥
Best Buddies

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