Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas Memories

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the Christmas season comes and goes.  As much as, we love this time of year, it seems like you prepare for months and then in a moment it's over.  I will say though, this is the exact reason I start shopping and preparing so early, because the month of December does go by so quick and I don't want anything to ruin my spirit.  We absolutely love and enjoy every event that goes on starting from school programs, baking, wrapping, our elf, family events, to class parties and each thing makes the season so much fun.  This year, there were so many events that Brenton and I had to split our time just to get everything in for each of our boys, but what a great time we had.  We made lots of memories, created new traditions, but most importantly spent a lot of time understanding the "real reason of the season" & giving to others!  Ethan, had a lot of questions along the way, but our new advent calendar helped take the Christmas story apart for him at a level he could understand and grasp.  Colin, he really enjoyed the holiday, as well.  He's not much for sitting and unwrapping many gifts, so Santa was pretty smart this year and left only a few under the tree that were wrapped for him, all the others were left with just his Santa tag.  Colin enjoyed that so much!  He found the gifts that he wanted to play with and off he went.  I remember being a kid and loving that feeling Christmas morning brought, but I tell you this...there is nothing better than seeing your own children on Christmas morning enjoying the moment.  I'm sitting here this morning and thinking back on the season and I'm shocked it's all over, but with a smile on my face I know we enjoyed every moment to its fullest!  So, with that I'm ready to start a new year with my family and make even more memories to cherish!

making his cookies for Santa
when there is no snow for Christmas, leave it to Chippey to brighten our mood w/ indoor snowballs
oh boy, Chippey delivered the good news
they made the Nice list, said their goodbyes, and played w/ our new tradition
my world
Christmas Eve fun at G&G Shroyer's
family fun on Christmas Eve
opening presents
I love the view from the stairway
Christmas morning....
needed a break from the chaos
his last gift was hiding, lol =)
he had his very own Ralphie moment w/ his Red Ryder
she loved her gift, too
he found his truck and then he was done for awhile (sorry it's blurry, he was too quick)
our gifts from the boys...Colin made the ornaments & Ethan shopped at school
Christmas brunch @ G&G Bardall's
Ethan's Bakery all set to go....thanks Grandma Becky
bigger & better....thanks G&G Shroyer
shooting his gun & he did great....shot the target
55 the Saturday after Christmas, so we played outside
his new Flashpad Air keeps him busy
oh no the Bat Bot is after me
loves How to Train a Dragon 2
what a great season we had...time to relax

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