Saturday, January 10, 2015


Well, the New Year came and went for us and did so without anything major happening.  LOL!  Our festivities have changed a bit and what used to include dressing up, now is simply being home with our boys and making memories together.  We decided last year that being home, after all the running around that happens from Thanksgiving to Christmas, is exactly where we want to ring in the New Year.  Well, until they get tired of celebrating with their Mom & Dad that is (hehe)!!  So, as the same as last, we did the exact same thing and really enjoyed ourselves.  I got all of our hourly fun bags completed, found a box to hold all our memories from 2014, Brenton prepared the food, and when I got home from work our tradition began.  It was fun to start a new memory box, but let me tell you this...looking back on last years brought a tear to my eye.  It is absolutely crazy how time is flying by and we are trying our hardest to enjoy every moment to its fullest, but going through that box together really was an eye opener on how quick time really is going.   Ethan loved keeping us on track, yet again this year with our bags and Colin, well he loved the glow balloons that we added to our festivities and of course running around rampant. LOL! I'm a homebody by nature, so bringing in 2015 with my family, at our humble abode, really was something I was looking forward to.  Overall, we had a really quiet, laid back, but fun time together and by 11:15 the boys were done.  Ethan begged me to wake him up (he just wanted to "rest" ☺) and I tried, but he was done. Brenton and I enjoyed the remaining time together playing cards, drinking a few beers, and eating pizza.  Below are a few pictures from our night....sure hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating the New Year with your family/friends and that this year is starting off really well! 
Here's to a great 2015!

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