Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Just Breath...It's Ok!

Ever look around your world and see things that make you realize how blessed you are?  Well, the past few weeks have been filled w/ those moments and I'm finding myself looking up ALOT and saying, "thank you."☺  My things have been small, but things I've needed.  I'm not sure what is wrong w/ me right now, but I've been in a gloomy mood.  I'm sure the weather is playing w/ me and causing it, but it's happening and I'm trying to not fall victim to the negative. I NEED sunshine stat!!!  It's funny how the good Lord works though, b/c I've been praying for a positive attitude, positive thoughts, and to use positive words during my gloom period and to not be a "scary" mommy/wife! LOL! It's working!  The pictures, I've posted below, are all the proof that I needed to smile this morning when thinking about this post.  My guys are constant reminders of the life I've been given.  I know that sounds so clichΓ© and something I'm supposed to say, but truly I mean it! Even in my gloomy moments, I know I'm blessed!  I've got a great husband, good kids, and a little fur baby that make like complete!  I know all of that and so thankful, but one thing that is important to remember is we don't live in Hidden Valley. Things are NOT perfect, rather they are real!  Life happens and it's ok when moments arise that we find ourselves in a funk, but it's important to not remain there! Work through the emotions and breath!  I've found working on my boy's education these past couple of weeks has exhausted me.  The researching, the questions, and frankly the realization has all taken a tool.  Not in a bad way, but in a way I wasn't prepared for.  It's all going to be ok and we're on the right track w/ both boys, but man it's hard when things are needed to be figured out....RIGHT NOW! I wasn't ready for the "right now" I guess! I tried to be and tried to look like I was, but inside I was a mess.  Again, thank goodness for the good Lord above who took me under his wing and pushed me along.  The answers aren't typical or easy, the path is a little crooked, but the journey together is what it's about!  My guys, my answer, and I took them for granted these past few weeks. I knew they were there, but I wasn't seeing them.  I wasn't seeing what they were showing me, b/c I was lost in my thoughts.  Well, my prayers were answered and God showed me my positive's in ways when I just stopped, took a breath, and looked....really looked! I saw with my eyes wide open, I saw the world around me and the blessings standing right in front of me....I saw!  Here's proof.....
He loves his scrapbook - thankful for the memories
Best Buddies - thank God for these boys
Wild Kratts...thankful for PBS channel
it was cold, but we needed to get outside - Blessed
Thank God for GO SHRED
Crazy day at school - thankful for the 'crazy' he brings to my life
Daddy painting Colin's room - thank God for this man!
Colin's Easter craft...I needed the color ♥ 
Creating a newsletter - he's going to be just fine ♥
My Sunday AM - thankful for online church

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

πŸ€ Lucky to be Blessed πŸ€

St Patrick's Day, is one of my favorite days of the year!  I love this day and enjoy all the "green" that the day brings.  I love celebrating things and when I became a mother, I have enjoyed making these types of days special.  It's nothing major, by no means, but it's fun and memorable.  Last Saturday was no different, when I woke up I got our annual "pot-of-gold" hunt all ready.  The boys weren't up yet, so I got breakfast going and waited.  The morning was simple, but I made our favorite sweet rolls and then gave Ethan the 1st clue that led him to the next, etc, etc.  I loved the giggles and just plain fun this type of thing brings to our family.  Hearing him run around to find each clue and calling his brother to come along, just made my heart happy.  I know people look at me like I'm crazy, but you know these types of things my boys will remember forever. I hope that they look back and remember how fun their childhood was.  If that happens, then I will smile from ear to ear knowing that I did my job!  I feel kids are growing up way too fast these days and if finding a bucket filled with green items, every year on St. Patrick's Day, helps my boys enjoy their childhood that much more, than this mom will be continuing to do it.  I might even carry it over to my!  I just love doing this type of thing! Anyway, I know my boys enjoy it, so that is what matters at this moment in time!  The sad truth is time is going by too fast, so I'm enjoying every chance I get to have fun, make a memory, and hear those giggles from my boys while I can! 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Maturity Wins!

For the past week or so, I've been struggling!  Struggling with information that I know, but can't say and what to do with it? Its bogged me down so much that I truly have stepped back into my shell and have no desire to be social right now!  Fake people are real and walking amongst the crowd that I have to associate with in this small town.  I'm not good with that and I'm realizing it more and more with each passing day.  These people hide behind their social media accounts and create this life that seems so perfect, yet once the camera is put away they are so not what they post and it makes me sick!  Why can't people be real? Why do these people always seem to come out smelling like a rose, too?  I will never understand!  However, thanks to the good book, I'm realizing I'm not supposed to. Discernment, is God's way of telling me to stay clear and stay in my lane. I'm being protected and for that, I'm thankful! I'm listening, lol! It's easier for me to stay in my comfort zone and thank goodness my hubby, is truly the 1 person, that I love to be around.  He understands me and grounds me!  I'm thankful he listens and allows me to be upset, frustrated, annoyed, yet always seems to help me find the bright side!  I love this man!  I'm so blessed that God chose him for me, because he's true and real!  I never have to worry about him saying one thing and then turning around to do another!  Cheating, no way! He's a loyal man and has morals...he's mine and I'm grateful for him!  Thanks to him, this situation will pass and when it does, he'll be right there reminding me how blessed we are.  We don't have a lot, but what we do have we work hard for! Our boys, another blessing in my life, are the cherries on top of our cake!  They give us a purpose to strive for greatness!  That greatness, is certainly not perfection, but it's ours and is what we feel that to be.  Our family, is our #1 concern and these boys have solidified our life together!  I love this life I get to live!  I know "situations" will always be and I have to deal with people that disgust me, but thank goodness for my faith and the good Lord above, because I'm constantly reminded that those "fake people" are exactly that FAKE...but, I learn so much from them! They help me to grow stronger with the folks that mean the most to me and never take them for granted, that's for sure!  Just like that old saying from when I was kid, "You can learn a lot from a dummy" still remains to be true even in my adulthood!  Anyway, I have to deal with these emotions, but for someone like me it's tough having to subside them. I tend to be more vocal, but speaking them certainly would not be good and I know that.  So, my maturity wins and I'm choosing silence! I smile, because I know that I have a loud mind and could crush things with the truth; however, I know where my power is and for that I thank God and will just ride the wave!☺

Our World

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

11th Birthday Celebration

Ethan turned 11 years old yesterday! How in the world does this!  Honestly, the years are flying by.  I specifically remember I was told, when he was born, time will fly so embrace every moment.  At that time, 11 years seemed so far away and I remember nodding knowing I heard the words, but thinking that is so far away!  Well, now we're here!

Birthdays are a big deal at our house and even though we don't have big birthday parties, we do have several celebration's that go over several days! This year was no different & Ethan's celebration started last Friday, went into the weekend, and ended last night w/ dinner at Tlaquepaque. Ethan asked for such expensive gifts that we decided to use most of his birthday budget on those, but we told him he could invite 3 friends and we'd go wherever he wanted on Saturday, so he chose his friends, picked to jump at SkyMax, and then lunch at Steak-n-Shake. We then had my family celebration on Sunday at my parents house, which was again Ethan's request.  He wanted a "party at Grandma's with his family like we used to" and so my parents made that happen.  Finally, he loves mexican, so we felt it would be fun to celebrate w/ Brenton's side last night to finalize the celebration weekend. It was really fun and he was in heaven!! ☻ 
Off we go
Ready to rock this joint
Having fun
I'm king of the
Can't take him anywhere...saw a OSU Buckeye (Beanie Wells) so had to say Hi
Lunch Time
Birthday Milkshake (M&M)
Birthday celebration at G&G Bardall's
Gift Time
School treats (he asked for brownies)
Birthday Boy
Ready to head off to school
Birthday dinner = Senor Ethan

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Blessed For Sure!

Well, parent/teacher conferences happened last night!  This time, it was only Colin that was requested to have one. Truthfully, I like going to his.  I love seeing his progression and where he's at in these moments.  I mean, we were told the boy would never speak and last night I learned he knows 113 sight words!  WHAT!!  I know, I know...I've learned to not focus on the negative, but it sure is nice to be 4 years post-diagnosis and witness this boy of mine moving mountains and proving all those medical professionals wrong! Go Colin!! I even learned that he's been attending ALL the assemblies this year...again WHAT? How awesome is that! HUGE, that's huge!! Colin, enjoys school and I never have an issue with getting him there.  He wakes up in the morning and knows what he has to do. These past couple of years have really been a huge leap in his growth.  I know it's because he has a great teacher and one that pushes him.  She knows just how much to push, yet does it in the most loving way.  He's safe with her and I know that is helping with his academic growth.  Overall, last night, I was told he is doing "great with his academics" and that his personality is an awesome trait, because the kids really flock to him.  From a mother with a child on the spectrum, you thank God everyday for reports like that.  I know I've been blessed with this child and I don't take it for granted.  I see other parents who deal with much worse, so I get it!  This sweet, boy of mine who I have been blessed to raise is certainly giving me so much to be thankful for! With each new day and each small milestone reached, I look up and thank God for letting me be his mom! ♥