Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Just Breath...It's Ok!

Ever look around your world and see things that make you realize how blessed you are?  Well, the past few weeks have been filled w/ those moments and I'm finding myself looking up ALOT and saying, "thank you."☺  My things have been small, but things I've needed.  I'm not sure what is wrong w/ me right now, but I've been in a gloomy mood.  I'm sure the weather is playing w/ me and causing it, but it's happening and I'm trying to not fall victim to the negative. I NEED sunshine stat!!!  It's funny how the good Lord works though, b/c I've been praying for a positive attitude, positive thoughts, and to use positive words during my gloom period and to not be a "scary" mommy/wife! LOL! It's working!  The pictures, I've posted below, are all the proof that I needed to smile this morning when thinking about this post.  My guys are constant reminders of the life I've been given.  I know that sounds so cliché and something I'm supposed to say, but truly I mean it! Even in my gloomy moments, I know I'm blessed!  I've got a great husband, good kids, and a little fur baby that make like complete!  I know all of that and so thankful, but one thing that is important to remember is we don't live in Hidden Valley. Things are NOT perfect, rather they are real!  Life happens and it's ok when moments arise that we find ourselves in a funk, but it's important to not remain there! Work through the emotions and breath!  I've found working on my boy's education these past couple of weeks has exhausted me.  The researching, the questions, and frankly the realization has all taken a tool.  Not in a bad way, but in a way I wasn't prepared for.  It's all going to be ok and we're on the right track w/ both boys, but man it's hard when things are needed to be figured out....RIGHT NOW! I wasn't ready for the "right now" I guess! I tried to be and tried to look like I was, but inside I was a mess.  Again, thank goodness for the good Lord above who took me under his wing and pushed me along.  The answers aren't typical or easy, the path is a little crooked, but the journey together is what it's about!  My guys, my answer, and I took them for granted these past few weeks. I knew they were there, but I wasn't seeing them.  I wasn't seeing what they were showing me, b/c I was lost in my thoughts.  Well, my prayers were answered and God showed me my positive's in ways when I just stopped, took a breath, and looked....really looked! I saw with my eyes wide open, I saw the world around me and the blessings standing right in front of me....I saw!  Here's proof.....
He loves his scrapbook - thankful for the memories
Best Buddies - thank God for these boys
Wild Kratts...thankful for PBS channel
it was cold, but we needed to get outside - Blessed
Thank God for GO SHRED
Crazy day at school - thankful for the 'crazy' he brings to my life
Daddy painting Colin's room - thank God for this man!
Colin's Easter craft...I needed the color ♥ 
Creating a newsletter - he's going to be just fine ♥
My Sunday AM - thankful for online church

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