Thursday, March 1, 2018

Blessed For Sure!

Well, parent/teacher conferences happened last night!  This time, it was only Colin that was requested to have one. Truthfully, I like going to his.  I love seeing his progression and where he's at in these moments.  I mean, we were told the boy would never speak and last night I learned he knows 113 sight words!  WHAT!!  I know, I know...I've learned to not focus on the negative, but it sure is nice to be 4 years post-diagnosis and witness this boy of mine moving mountains and proving all those medical professionals wrong! Go Colin!! I even learned that he's been attending ALL the assemblies this year...again WHAT? How awesome is that! HUGE, that's huge!! Colin, enjoys school and I never have an issue with getting him there.  He wakes up in the morning and knows what he has to do. These past couple of years have really been a huge leap in his growth.  I know it's because he has a great teacher and one that pushes him.  She knows just how much to push, yet does it in the most loving way.  He's safe with her and I know that is helping with his academic growth.  Overall, last night, I was told he is doing "great with his academics" and that his personality is an awesome trait, because the kids really flock to him.  From a mother with a child on the spectrum, you thank God everyday for reports like that.  I know I've been blessed with this child and I don't take it for granted.  I see other parents who deal with much worse, so I get it!  This sweet, boy of mine who I have been blessed to raise is certainly giving me so much to be thankful for! With each new day and each small milestone reached, I look up and thank God for letting me be his mom! ♥

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