Thursday, April 25, 2019

Bus Buddies

This morning, for some reason, I was triggered to grab my phone and try to get a picture as the boys left on the bus.  I'm not sure why, but my mommy heart was just needing it.  Today, was a day, I was wanting it to be summer break already!  I just wanted to keep them home with me and not get them out the door and off to school! I love our time together and today I was craving it, but it's not quite that time of year and they had to go!  However, I'm so ready for summer break!

Anyway, as I mentioned in a previous post, Colin was struggling for a bit after Christmas break to get back into the groove.  I still have no idea why or what even triggered it, but it took him until the beginning of March to stop crying/vomiting, before getting off the bus, when he got to school. There were quite a bit of snow days, so in his defense, he didn't get a good full week in until March anyway.  I swear though he was testing his mama during that time and I had no idea how to make it better! I tried though! Everything I knew just wasn't was awful! I'm so thankful for his awesome bus driver, Jess, b/c she truly was the one who had to deal w/ all the yuck! She was so sweet and positive, but still my heart hurt for her.  It's hard when it's your child doing these things and they impact others! Ugh, it's the worst feeling! However, we made it through and this morning, I caught a pretty cute pic of him on his way to school that proved to this mama that everything is now ok......

Look at that smile☺

Colin is very blessed with all the people he has in his life!  I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but just in case I haven't, I don't worry from the minute he steps foot on that bus until the moment he gets back off at the end of the school day.  He has people at every stop (Ethan's school & then his) that absolutely adore him and take care of him. For someone like me, that knowledge eases my heart!  This was the first year that the boys have rode together and that, in and of itself, was an answer to a prayer! These boys of mine truly love each other and Ethan is definitely the best "bus buddy" I could've ever prayed for Colin to have! ♥

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Thank you Jesus!

Easter, is just one of those holidays that truly gets me! I mean, deep down in my soul gets me! A few years ago, when the questions started and basket gifts were seen, things started to change at our house.  It wasn't so much about EB any longer, though we believe, we just don't make the holiday about eggs and chocolate bunnies. Nope! We started then, not that we didn't before, but we knew at that moment it was time to make sure Holy Week was taught and making the whole week a remembrance of what Jesus went through for us to get to Easter Sunday.  Like I said, we do the whole traditional thing that all families do (you'll see pics below) and we love it, but the significance is not on the basket filled w/ goodies.  For us, we are finding that it takes the sting away, once the reality of EB, is truly thought upon!  I have yet to, nor will I, have the conversation about the EB.  I'm taking the lead from my mother on this one and will until my dying day, make sure the fun of the holidays is still there for my kids and my grandchildren for that matter.  I hope my daughter-in-law understands and I certainly pray my children choose wisely in that department, b/c their mama is going to be a force and it's going to take a special lady. LOL!

Anyway, enough about all that!  We had a wonderful Easter this year. We spent time with both families and the boys enjoyed seeing their cousin's and doing the traditional things done at each side.  It's so fun to see the boys, as they grow, and the excitement that each year brings.  This year, though different due to being older and their knowledge of the truth, it still is so fun to see them enjoy the basket of goodies that is left.  I will never confirm the truth, b/c my thinking it's a feeling in your heart and why in the world take that away from a child.  This world is getting crazy anyway, so lets allow them to be little for however long that is.  Ok, ok I said no more and there I went again.....I'm officially done w/ my soapbox. Like I said, we had a great weekend celebrating with family and a week full of remembrance of the journey to the cross!  This season I'm reminded of how truly grateful I am for the fact that HE IS RISEN!

Our tomb craft we make every Easter season
Our weekly tradition
Communion (at home)
After church, we started the traditional egg coloring
Colin & daddy
Ethan's turn
my big guy
My boys
Our creations ☺

Easter morning
Oh boy, he was so excited.. "Randall, there's a cow outside"
he was excited too ☺
magic jelly beans ☺
Katee got a new carrot
our tradition...Sweet Rolls
Our church service, we watch online
Rocking their new shirts
Getting ready for the egg hunt at Grandma's
Ethan finding his "green" eggs

Happy Easter! ♥

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Ohio to Oz!

You gotta love the Ohio weather in spring!  Holy smokes, it's 70° one day and then the next cold and you're experiencing a severe storm, to spitting snow the next!  Sunday, was one of those weird weather days!  I mean it was beautiful Saturday, my guys even came home w/ red faces b/c they were out working at a job all day. Yes, should've put on sunscreen, but they didn't! Anyway, they had great weather one day and then woke up Sunday to rain and by 6pm, all hell broke loose!  I mean it was crazy!! Brenton and Ethan left for 4-H and literally 10 mins from that, Colin and I were batting down the hatches b/c it was pouring rain and the wind...OMG, it was like we were heading to Oz or something! I felt it sitting on the couch and yes, we probably should've went to the basement, but I didn't hear the sirens and thought I was overreacting.  Here, come to find out, the sirens had a glitch and several areas didn't have them go off?!  I also was told I should've got like an Amber Alert on my phone and I never got that either, so needless to say, we should've been in the basement; however, Colin and I were just bee-bopping around the! Lesson learned...follow your gut, b/c technology does fail sometimes!☺

After it was all said and done, the guys were taking a look around town after their meeting and we were one of the lucky ones, b/c they only found a huge tree limb in our backyard. How that thing missed the power lines, is beyond me, but so glad it didn't do anything major! We've experienced tornadoes before, so this time we had nothing crazy happen and thank goodness, b/c it was an absolutely crazy night. Like I said you gotta love spring in Ohio, b/c today, as I'm typing this, it's sunny and 60°!☺

One thing I've realized this spring season, is next year I will not do any yard work until late April or early May.  Honest to Pete, I worked so hard 2 weeks ago on raking the yard to pick up the sticks and a day later AEP shows up to trim our front tree that left a huge amount of debris forcing me to re-do my work and now this dang storm w/ this big ol' branch (yes, that's a branch) left us re-doing the work that was previously done, LOL!  Good exercise, but doing a job twice over is for the birds! Thank goodness that is done! Now, bring on summer....hahaha!☺

My Lumberjacks
Brenton & Joe hard at work
My little helper
Ethan driving the mower to the compost pile

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


The weather is changing! The snow is gone and the days are getting warmer here in Ohio...hallelujah! We survived another winter, lol! Actually, it wasn't all that bad.  I really embraced the winter season this year; however, spring, is one of my favorite seasons and I'm so glad it's upon us now. The newness with everything coming back to life is just so refreshing. This time of year does something to my spirit! It wakes me up! I've loved being able to get outside, open the windows, working in the yard, and just simply sitting and enjoying some down time with my family while hearing the birds chirping, again!

Colin is loving mornings on the porch again
Windows open = so refreshing
Brenton loves when spring arrives = work 
so doesn't this guy ☺

This past weekend, we enjoyed our first fire of the season!  It was so nice out and we took full advantage of it Saturday evening.  One thing I've come to realize about myself the older I get, is I just love being home! I have no desire to be anywhere else!  It's a battle I've been trying to fight for several years now, but I'm starting to accept the fact that I'm just 100% a homebody!  I don't mind a dinner w/ friends every now and again, but I'm over the "hanging out" stuff!  I'm not spending hours on end anywhere else, besides my house w/ my hubby & kids!  I'm just not!  I'm that boring friend who is not one that plans weekend events, every weekend.  Or the one that plans for parties w/ loads of people even.  Nope, it's just not me!  I'm simply one that desires to be home with my family, enjoying conversation over our fire pit w/ a few marshmallows! And, last weekend, was definitely right up my alley!♥ 

Colin just sitting enjoying the evening
Mr. Shroyer everyone ☺
looking at the stars
Having fun
This kid ♥

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

It Sure Is!

There are certain days of the year that just make my heart smile. Today, is one of those days! It's a day that makes me reminisce on the past & present, to remind myself just how far this journey has brought us.  It is World Autism Awareness Day or Light It Up Blue Day, as we call it!  As I mentioned in a previous post, Autism, has a funny way of changing things.  There's different levels of emotion that come along w/ it and if you're not on the journey, you'll never understand. But, the one thing that always remains true, is the love you feel for this little human that has a different way of dealing w/ the world!

Today, as I sit typing this, 10 years into our journey and smiling a big-hearted smile thinking of my little guy, for whom, we Light It Up Blue for I'm reminded of the boy, who has grown so much and doing things we were told he'd never do.  For the boy, who is part of the statistic of 1 and 59 children who are diagnosed.  For the boy, whom I will never be able to understand how brave he truly is, since the world we both live in though the same, is still quite different!  For the boy, whose older brother absolutely adores him, takes care of him and is writing a story about him. And, for the boy, who takes on each challenge thrown at him and figures out how to accomplish in his own way and in his own time...that boy, truly inspires me! I'm so proud to me his mama!

That boy, had another great IEP meeting discussion this year too!  He's doing so well in school and meeting his goals.  Still things we need to work on and figure out, but again, we are here in a place that we were told he might not ever be able to get to!  The words, "Don't expect too much, b/c he probably won't be able to do the things you want him to" still ring in my ears! There are no expectations set, but there are goals that we love to watch him achieve and his growth, is truly something that is amazing to watch.  At the meeting one of the things that was said, "Isn't it great to see how far he's come?" And, to that I say...yes, yes it sure is!

Our traditional LIUB family shot ☺
Colin & Mrs. Jones on LIUB Day
My new Autism shirts
Ethan's Story ♥