Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Thank you Jesus!

Easter, is just one of those holidays that truly gets me! I mean, deep down in my soul gets me! A few years ago, when the questions started and basket gifts were seen, things started to change at our house.  It wasn't so much about EB any longer, though we believe, we just don't make the holiday about eggs and chocolate bunnies. Nope! We started then, not that we didn't before, but we knew at that moment it was time to make sure Holy Week was taught and making the whole week a remembrance of what Jesus went through for us to get to Easter Sunday.  Like I said, we do the whole traditional thing that all families do (you'll see pics below) and we love it, but the significance is not on the basket filled w/ goodies.  For us, we are finding that it takes the sting away, once the reality of EB, is truly thought upon!  I have yet to, nor will I, have the conversation about the EB.  I'm taking the lead from my mother on this one and will until my dying day, make sure the fun of the holidays is still there for my kids and my grandchildren for that matter.  I hope my daughter-in-law understands and I certainly pray my children choose wisely in that department, b/c their mama is going to be a force and it's going to take a special lady. LOL!

Anyway, enough about all that!  We had a wonderful Easter this year. We spent time with both families and the boys enjoyed seeing their cousin's and doing the traditional things done at each side.  It's so fun to see the boys, as they grow, and the excitement that each year brings.  This year, though different due to being older and their knowledge of the truth, it still is so fun to see them enjoy the basket of goodies that is left.  I will never confirm the truth, b/c my thinking it's a feeling in your heart and why in the world take that away from a child.  This world is getting crazy anyway, so lets allow them to be little for however long that is.  Ok, ok I said no more and there I went again.....I'm officially done w/ my soapbox. Like I said, we had a great weekend celebrating with family and a week full of remembrance of the journey to the cross!  This season I'm reminded of how truly grateful I am for the fact that HE IS RISEN!

Our tomb craft we make every Easter season
Our weekly tradition
Communion (at home)
After church, we started the traditional egg coloring
Colin & daddy
Ethan's turn
my big guy
My boys
Our creations ☺

Easter morning
Oh boy, he was so excited.. "Randall, there's a cow outside"
he was excited too ☺
magic jelly beans ☺
Katee got a new carrot
our tradition...Sweet Rolls
Our church service, we watch online
Rocking their new shirts
Getting ready for the egg hunt at Grandma's
Ethan finding his "green" eggs

Happy Easter! ♥

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