Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Ohio to Oz!

You gotta love the Ohio weather in spring!  Holy smokes, it's 70° one day and then the next cold and you're experiencing a severe storm, to spitting snow the next minute...lol!  Sunday, was one of those weird weather days!  I mean it was beautiful Saturday, my guys even came home w/ red faces b/c they were out working at a job all day. Yes, should've put on sunscreen, but they didn't! Anyway, they had great weather one day and then woke up Sunday to rain and by 6pm, all hell broke loose!  I mean it was crazy!! Brenton and Ethan left for 4-H and literally 10 mins from that, Colin and I were batting down the hatches b/c it was pouring rain and the wind...OMG, it was like we were heading to Oz or something! I felt it sitting on the couch and yes, we probably should've went to the basement, but I didn't hear the sirens and thought I was overreacting.  Here, come to find out, the sirens had a glitch and several areas didn't have them go off?!  I also was told I should've got like an Amber Alert on my phone and I never got that either, so needless to say, we should've been in the basement; however, Colin and I were just bee-bopping around the house...lol! Lesson learned...follow your gut, b/c technology does fail sometimes!☺

After it was all said and done, the guys were taking a look around town after their meeting and we were one of the lucky ones, b/c they only found a huge tree limb in our backyard. How that thing missed the power lines, is beyond me, but so glad it didn't do anything major! We've experienced tornadoes before, so this time we had nothing crazy happen and thank goodness, b/c it was an absolutely crazy night. Like I said you gotta love spring in Ohio, b/c today, as I'm typing this, it's sunny and 60°!☺

One thing I've realized this spring season, is next year I will not do any yard work until late April or early May.  Honest to Pete, I worked so hard 2 weeks ago on raking the yard to pick up the sticks and a day later AEP shows up to trim our front tree that left a huge amount of debris forcing me to re-do my work and now this dang storm w/ this big ol' branch (yes, that's a branch) left us re-doing the work that was previously done, LOL!  Good exercise, but doing a job twice over is for the birds! Thank goodness that is done! Now, bring on summer....hahaha!☺

My Lumberjacks
Brenton & Joe hard at work
My little helper
Ethan driving the mower to the compost pile

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