Summer break is in full swing, but this dang weather sure has been a bit trying....rain & chilly, so far! I guess we've had a couple of warm days, since summer break started. We were in the pool last Friday, so we started break with a bang! LOL!! The forecast is looking up, but the past week it's been kind of crummy overall. I'm not complaining though, just taking it all in stride. It's sad to see all the flooding on the news! The poor people by the Mississippi River sure are getting hit right now. There's been some tornadoes, as well. Here, it's just been rain and chilly the past couple of days. Yesterday, the chilly day played in our favor, because we finally were able to get a lady down to get the pool deck stained. It worked out well, because it was too cold to swim! Thank goodness that is done, for the most part, Brenton found a few areas that need touched-up; however, we can do that another day. Mr. Meticulous, at his finest! LOL!!
Ethan and I had our first movie date of the summer this past weekend, as well. What a great afternoon we had! He's so funny! The older he gets, the more he's learning how to handle dates. I guess that was the whole plan all along the way, so it's nice to see it's working. I know one day, a little lady, will sure be lucky to have him by her side.☺ Trying my hardest to teach him anyway, so I hope that plan comes to fruition when the time is right. However, as for now, we will continue with our special "dates" and leave the future alone. Who's ready for all that mess anyway....not me! LOL!! We went to see was a great movie!
Also, look at this! It's going to be a long summer, I think. Little man, is already outsmarting me on the first week. I was trying to keep him in the fenced area with his swing set, so nothing would get messed up on the pool deck for the lady staining.....well, he figured it out! This used to work, but not anymore, lol! Time for a lock! hahahaha☺
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