Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hello, Summer Break!

It's here! Finally! The day the boys have been looking forward to, since last August, the LAST day of school! It always seems to be dragging and then you get to this day and think, "holy crap, that went fast!"  This is the year I was dreading though....middle school for Ethan. I had in my head it was going to be awful.  I was listening to all these horror stories, but it was nothing like that for him!  Thank the good Lord!  Overall, it was a good year for the boys, but now we are ready to say goodbye to 6th & 3rd grade and HELLO, to summer break!

Ready for summer!
goodbye 6th grade
bye 3rd grade
off they go
teacher gift
Colin's gift from his teachers
all ready for their return

How excited they were when they got home!  Just pure joy with the knowledge of knowing they get a few months of some R&R! From the mouth of Ethan, "Best day of the year!" LOL!  I was super proud when I opened their book bags and found they each got an award at their assemblies.  Just a proud mama, knowing when my kids are away from me that they do act right, on their own accord! That is an awesome feeling! So super proud of my boys and now time to wrap up the year and enjoy some sun!!!

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