Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Blessings All Around

January has been a great start to the year, thus far.  I mean we're almost through it and still have yet to get any snow really.  I don't ever remember a January without much, but I guess there's a first for everything these days.  I always tell myself, after Christmas, once I start putting my Valentine decor out then we're almost there. LOL! I'm not sure why, but that decor is my happy point during the winter I guess. Anyway, the house is decorated and we decided on Colin's school box, so we're doing good this year.  Yesterday, I worked on the boy's daily heart notes, so I'm ready for the month of February. Oh yeah, I also solidified our Valentine's Day plans, so I am definitely ready and that's a good feeling! Now, I'm sure a snow storm will hit some time or another, but we're in countdown mode and Spring isn't too far away....51 more days!☺

At the beginning of the month, I had some changes come to me personally that I was preparing myself for. For the first time in 5 years, I headed outside of the house and reported to our new office space for work. I was nervous, but 3 weeks in it's going well. In all honesty, I didn't realize how much I needed to get out of the house. Oh my! My sanity needed it more than I thought, I guess! Don't get me wrong, working from home has been good, pros & cons of course, but I needed out. Now, I still will work from home and will sprinkle in some office time, but right now I'm enjoying this. I'm loving my cubicle and seeing adult faces on my work days....who would've thought, lol! The deal, moving forward, when my boys are home, so am I, and that's a great feeling knowing I don't have to leave them with anybody. My family is my main priority and having a boss who understands that is wonderful! So, I'm welcoming this change with open arms. Anyway, I wasn't sure how I'd like having to get up at 5am to get myself ready, before the boys, and then start our normal school morning routine, but it's working good and I'm really enjoying it.  I mean, it's 3 days a week, so I can't complain. That's nothing compared to others I know, so I'll take my setup! My boss is amazing and my options are the best, so it's definitely something I'm welcoming.  Besides, this isn't the final solution.  We're still working on what hours works for everyone and it might turn out that I'm only there 1 day?  Not sure 100% just yet, but for now, I'm enjoying it and will continue to do whatever I can to help the company grow.

Anyway, another thing we did this month, is celebrate Brenton's 42nd birthday. I'm not sure why, but it is so weird to think he is in his 40's. Birthdays are definitely a blessing that's for sure! As we all know, we're not promised tomorrow and life can change in a blink of an eye, so a celebration of another year is always a must. We sure do love him bunches! ♥

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