Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A Sunday Afternoon Adventure

One thing I have found, since starting to work outside the house some, I enjoy my time at home even more! I love this new feeling!  I have a new found love for my home, being with my guys just simply enjoying our life, and I absolutely LOVE Fridays! I'm not that girl who plans a ton of things with friends and even extended family, for that matter, over the weekends.  I love our little family of 4 and when I plan or even want to do something, it's with them. I used to feel bad about that! I thought our life was boring or we were missing something, because I didn't want our schedule filled with things that included so many other people; however, the older I get the more I see that's just not the case.  Now, I absolutely adore our friends and love being around them when we are, but everyone has lives and I have found that it's absolutely ok to love being filled with my little family and so I'm going with it and not apologizing for it any longer!

This past weekend, was another one that we didn't do much BUT being home was just fine with everyone. However, come Sunday, I could feel that I needed to get outside and take in some fresh air.  The awesome thing, it felt like spring and that motivated me even more.  After church, I put on some sweats and got Colin dressed w/ his boots and out we went. The big boys, weren't interested and just wanted to stay inside and watch a movie, so Colin and I headed outside by ourselves anyway. Colin is in his element when he is in nature!  He loves it! Our whole backyard was with him in mind, because he likes to explore. I have a few new plans for him and he got a new swing that needs to go up, so once the weather breaks he'll have some new additions.  The boy loves to swing and just be outside, so we took in the afternoon and enjoyed each other's company.

After I was done cleaning up Katee's messes, I asked Colin if he wanted to go for a walk and sure enough he did.  So, we headed down to the nature center to see the river and just walk around for a bit.  He is so fun at this stage! I love just watching him take everything in around him and embrace it! His growth in his communication skills are amazing! He definitely knows what he wants and will let you know.  If he can't get the word out, he will definitely show you in a different way and Sunday, he did just that.

I thought we were done! We made it to the river and played around under the bridge for a little while, so I started walking back and took the path closer to the river that would bring us back around to the other side of the entry we started at.  You know, just another way to go so we didn't go back the same way. Well, Colin was up for the different path, just not the one I chose. LOL! He wanted to go up and by up, I mean climb up the walk by the bridge and end up on the railroad tracks.  He stopped dead in his tracks and pointed to the path and said, "this way!" So, "this way" we went!

He climbed up on his own and when he made it to the top he was so proud, his 1st time w/o assistance, and he was so happy to tell me "I did it" and I made sure to praise him, as well.  We walked back the tracks just talking, listening to the birds, and we found a couple more railroad spikes to add to our collection.  It was such a fun "adventure" together and Colin was so happy! He loved it and I loved the time I had with my little man!

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