Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I have had the joy of being blessed with two amazing little boys.....both different in stature, different in style, different in likes, and different in looks......just plain different!!!  For the longest time, I worried about Colin, not sure how to bond w/ him and not sure I was doing the right things. Now, I say worried about bonding w/ him to mean this......The moment that little guy came out of the womb, he was independent.....he didn't need me, like Ethan needed me.  I remember telling my mom when he was about 3 weeks old, "I don't know how to connect with him" b/c he didn't need me....haha!!! I just didn't know how he needed me and I had a lot to learn.... Ethan wouldn't let me put him down, where as Colin, found comfort in me rocking him, but would sleep all dang night in his bed (which was new to me, Ethan slept on my chest).  I remember waking up thinking, "when is he going to wake up and want me?"  Honestly, that little guy, was "Mr. Independent" from the moment he graced us with his presence.  I learned to appreciate that difference, fell in love w/ his differences, and embrace them....b/c he brings so much to our family and our dynamic would not be the same w/o him!!!  I know this might sound crazy, but honestly, I was so afraid I wasn't doing something right?!?!  I didn't get the time I had with Ethan, b/c Colin was our second that time had to be split between them and I longed for the day that I got "time" w/ just Colin......Well, that time is now!  Ethan has started school and loving every ounce of it that he even asks on Saturday, "when do I go back to school?" I know this will change, too.....but, right now, I'm enjoying that he likes it so much.....b/c, on the flip side, I get time w/ Colin and just Colin!  We have so much fun together.....we play, talk, nap, eat, read, watch movies, explore, and just plain enjoy each others company!  He has officially turned into a "Mommy's Boy" and that is music to my ears!!!  This is the time that I've been waiting for and I'm truly taking in every moment of it.....I thank God for this little guy in my life and I know the road is going to be quite different than what I am used to, but for that I'm grateful!  I'm learning that through him, it's the small things that count the most.......I absolutely love that!!!!

Mr. Independent loves the great outdoors!!!

Sweet Dreams

grasp of love ;)

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