Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall Fun

Since my last post, we haven't had any major things going on, but did finally get some things done.  One of those things, was the Pumpkin Patch!!!  Man, we had tried for 3 weeks to get to one and unfortunately, it didn't happen b/c kids were sick or we were and so, it was a little late this year, but we got it done.  The boys loved the new patch this year, b/c it included animals, trains, food, and of course pumpkins.  Brenton and I enjoyed it, too and loved watching our boys have fun.  One thing that Colin accomplished, was the corn box....he hated it last year, but this year, he had a ball =)  Ethan loved his train ride and overall, we had a great night.....

The weekend was pretty uneventful, but we got our pumpkin's carved and celebrated Kay's birthday on Sunday.  Saturday, Paul and Kay wanted the boys, so they took them and they enjoyed some time with their cousins for the afternoon. Brenton and I stayed home and relaxed, watched OSU football, and I worked on laundry (fun, fun).  Anyway, yesterday morning we spent the morning having fun with the boys and gave them their "Mummy" buckets that we made them for Halloween.....they had a ball with their new treasures, bubbles, and laughs...... I love moments like that! =)

 Last night, before we put the boys to bed, I had one more fun idea for them to end our weekend before Halloween gets you can see, they loved their "Spooky" Bath!!!

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