Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bright Future Ahead....

Since I've been blogging a lot lately about Colin, I wanted to take today and talk about Ethan.......What a ray of sunshine this kid is and boy does he melt our hearts!  He is the reason, Brenton and I, have bonded in a different way.....simply because, he was our first born.  He is brilliant, he amazes us every single day, and is tenacious like no other....haha!!!  Ethan doesn't have a hateful bone in his body, he absolutely loves God, us, his brother, Katee, our extended families, his teachers, and now his new found friends from school.  He is doing really well at school and is so funny to watch......we opted out of Pre-K for him, so I kind of figured him starting Kindergarten would be somewhat of a headache, but honestly he's doing exceptionally well.  Ms. Bowden, his teacher, has done wonders and Mr. Davis, his Title Reading teacher, is doing great things, too.....I'm so glad for this, prayed really hard for it, and now see it was exactly what he needed!  Homework is turning into a breeze and we're finding it not to be so painful, b/c he's getting it.  He loves to read now, so I'm enjoying our reading time and his laughter when we make the books interesting =)  His giggle is so dang funny....I just love this little boy and look forward to watching him grow-up.....hopefully not too fast though!!!

YAY, he got it now....Top he told me how to spell and below
he spelled it himself =)
me and E
He also, loves to work!!!  I mean truly loves everything about it and even gets up at 5:30 am to head with Daddy to the golf course on the weekends.  I really hope he keeps his love and his ability to do it, b/c Brenton has a good work ethic and I hope Ethan grabs onto that, so he can have a bright future. =)

putting the flag back 
learning the big rig =)
Daddy's work buddy
working  away!!!
even at the hotel, he's working =)

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